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CRB (Computer Business Review) has just published a short interview with Mike Ettling, SAP's head of Cloud for HR.

In this interview he discusses a number of topics, including

  • Contingent work force management - the management of temporary work forces and SAP purchasing of FieldGlass
  • HrRs challenge of using  / adopting innovative technologies
  • The use of social media (e.g. LinkedIn) for recruiting purposes
  • The lack of and the impact of standardized HR practices

The full interview can be found here

Just recently I have run across a number of interviews (see previous postings) and a large number of them indicate that HR has to adopt more standardized practices and like other areas of the business, use analytics as part of their practice (e.g. Josh Bersin for example).

Do you believe this?

Are you aware of any industry bodies attempting to standardize HR process in the way the Accounting profession has?

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