SAP TechEd Blog Posts
Share your experiences about SAP TechEd: Write about your favorite sessions and other conference highlights.
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Community Administrator


*** Sessions are being reviewed and winners will be contacted ***


It's that time of the year, when we begin making plans to attend, arguments to management for budget approvals and of course reaching into our networks to determine who else is attending and making plans to reconnect.


SAP TechEd is SAP’s premier technical conference attracting developers, engineers, architects, system administrators, DBAs, IT Managers, and others in technical job roles with SAP customers and partners.

You should be there, the community has been an integral part of SAP events since before we officially had a community and so this year we want to step things up a notch with even more happening and to start that means we want to be sure you have a chance to come!

SAP TechEd is opening a Call for Proposals for community members that want to share their experiences working on SAP related projects, share best practices and tips specific to a product or a technology, talk about their SAP career journey and how to get to the next level, or how to establish and build recognition in the community. We are looking for proposals that support the following categories:

  • Moving to the Cloud: the journey to the Cloud can seem overwhelming but with stories like yours to help demystify the process, the move can be a little easier. Share your experience and insights regarding cloud strategies and their impact on the business, best practices for ‘moving to the cloud’ implementation projects, integration tips and tricks, etc.

  • Innovating with Big Data: everyone has data but, what are you doing with it? Explore the world of data-driven applications, analyzing vast amounts of data and getting insights and actionable information to the right decision makers in real time. Furthermore, talk about streaming data and applying machine learning algorithms as you dwell into the next frontier for innovation.

  • Building your brand: whether you’re new to the community or a seasoned member, you can stand out and be recognized by fellow peers for your knowledge, efforts in building your local community, collaborating with others, and more. This is an opportunity for you to share your journey in building recognition in the community and offer guidance and advise for community members that may be thinking about this but don’t know how to start or go about it.

  • Upskilling as a developer: relevant training and development is a good way to stay on top of the game. But, how are you finding out valuable training opportunities? Do you have a ‘training plan’ or career path that you are following to get you to the next level? What are you doing to upskill as you venture into new technologies? Tell us about your experience as you work on advancing your skills and expanding your career opportunities.

  • Mindfulness, empathy and emotional intelligence: for many, these are strange concepts and words that seem out of place in the technology world. Your insights and personal experiences in these areas can help others understanding how these practices can help improve the work environment and have a positive impact on your personal and professional lives.

We want to hear your story. Your session should describe your experience solving a real world situation. You should describe the situation and the pain points, the solution that you came up with, and the successes, failures and lessons learned from your experience. Share data and offer recommendations or best practices so community members can take home your insights. You can do live demos, case studies, personal stories, show and tell – make sure to consider what would be the best approach to get your story across to the audience.

Proposals will be considered for 30-min slots (20-min for the presentation followed by 10 min for Q&A).


  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about.

  • Be authentic. Your peers want to hear about original ideas in real-world situations.

  • Give your proposal a straightforward title (don’t overthink it)

  • Help others do better (Teach a skill that you know very well, talk about a project that did very well/went in the wrong direction)

If selected, you’ll receive a Lecture Only conference pass, this of course helps with that whole budget topic and if you are based in Europe you could try the approach that gregorw is doing to help with offsetting costs as well.


Submit your session for Las Vegas, September 24 to 27, 2019

Submit your session for Barcelona, October 8 to 10, 2019



*** Sessions are being reviewed and winners will be contacted ***