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What's the difference between SAPPHIRE NOW and TechEd?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I have my own opinions, but would like to hear from you (I'm sure those who organize, exhibit and/or attend these events want to know as well). Most of all, I want to use this opportunity for those members in our community who have not attended either to learn from those who have gone what the differences are. Hopefully, we'll see them at either or both events soon. There probably is no right or wrong answers either, so let's have a discussion, debate and use the opportunity to just share our own knowledge and opinions.

I've attended SAPPHIRE NOW four times (if you count the year where SAPPHIRE and TechEd were co-located in Madrid and Beijing) and TechEd over 13 times. From a content perspective, they're both all about SAP - technology, solutions, services, business and use cases, plenty of networking, educational sessions and lively discussions and Q&As. The difference is the CONTEXT!


Here's a couple pictures, first from SAPPHIRE NOW and the other from SAP TechEd:

Before you go to a party, event, or gathering, you find out why people are getting together, who's it organized for, what's the occasion. This helps you decide what to wear, what to bring, what to talk about. If you're comfortable in business attire or want to talk to others in the same, then SAPPHIRE is for you. Likewise, if you prefer bean bags and those who don't mind the same, check out TechEd.

I'm curious to know what you think is the difference(s) between SAPPHIRE and TechEd?


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Hi Jason,

I've done a couple of Sapphires, and plenty of TechEd's and for me I would sum up each as follows (feel free to work out the differences in each):

SAPPHIRE: Flashy; Massive; Smoke and mirror demo's showing strategic direction rather than something you can go and do today; Business and Enterprise Architecture focused; No hands-on; Real Business Users giving Lessons Learned (ASUG); hierarchical (on the show floor, you really don't feel special unless you're in charge of a large customer budget on the show floor with markings on your tag that say this); lots of marketing; huge concert on the last night (but again, segmented users); Vendor Parties, no Jam Band (but working on changing that), lots of walking, fun and lots to learn!

TechEd (from past experiences and may not reflect this year): Still big but not massive; real demo's showing live systems you can touch; hands-on learning of latest stuff; more actionable strategy; developer and administrator focused (though still plenty for an EA and Business to get out of it); real technical people giving Lessons Learned (ASUG); flattened audience in terms of hierarchy - everyone gets to talk to everyone about anything without the need to be in charge of large budgets; much less marketing; networking at bars, Jam Band, more relaxed, fun and even more than what's possible at Sapphire to learn!

Oh - And Bean bags at TechEd - I actually don't know how many got time to use these. Both events leave me with little time to sit down and relax, but being more technical, TechEd leaves me exhausted by the end of the week!

Both I highly recommend though.



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I am going to echo some of Matt's comments -

SAPPHIRE - I have only attended one of this and based on my experience, I was able to meet some prospect customers. I was able to showcase some demos at our booth as well. I think this event is more focused for those Architects, VPs, business driven, type of people. This event in my opinion, is more stressful and requires more patience 🙂

Tech Ed - I have personally enjoyed this one more due to the fact that is more technical in nature. I have been an attendee and a speaker on previous years. I am able to meet all those SAP Mentors I constantly read from on SCN/Tweeter, etc.. I can chat and bounce ideas with other developer like minded individuals. It is more relaxed in the senses that I get to pick some sessions to attend and learn, as well as I get the opportunity to ask questions during some of the sessions given by other technical peers. I have enjoyed both years which I have attended and really like the band playing! There is work, learning and fun involved

I highly recommend anyone who would like to experience these events to try to attend and see from their perspective


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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SAPPHIRE : Not yet experienced

SAP TechEd: Already been to 3 TechEds, more engaging for developers, great way to get hands dirty across different latest & greatest of SAP offerings. Also, good opportunity to meet your peers, people you have been engaging/following via SCN, twitter etc (as Sergio already mentioned). leads to grow your personal as well as professional network.

I have been recommending my colleagues to participate atleast once at TechEd and i still do.



Regards, Jitendra