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Hi experts,

I want to share my dream, the ESR Mapping Adapter in CPI, most of you should already had guessed the main topic of this blog, but for the rest pay attention 🙂

The usage of CPI is growing "fast & wild", without any governance the only result is chaos, and the main questions here is "why?".

Why are we creating/uploading without any control/re usability XSDs, WSDLS, EDMXs, Mappings, etc inside of IFLOWS?. What kind of tool could help us to keep governance in all this interface & mapping objects?( think bigger, think in thousands of objects ).

For those ones who had worked with SAP XI/PI/PO should know the answer, the Enterprise Service Repository is the solution, but how can we use it with CPI?

The only way so far ( hopefully not for long time ) is using a custom adapter to connect with an on-premise ESR via HTTPS ( cloud connector ) with HMI message protocol:


If you got the idea then your eyes should be shinning, imagine using all the functionalities of your on-premise ESR with all the flexibility of your CPI tenant, the perfect match.

Therefore, for those ones who have free time I challenge you to build such kind of adapter and share your experience.


Not forget, be curious! ?

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