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Requirement :

Most of the popular reporting tools can handle cumulative sum or running total , but still there have been lot of posts in SCN about whether it is possible to do it in HANA itself.  So, just wanted to see , if it can be easily done via Graphical Calculation view and it seems to be working .

Conditional summation - If in Calculated column

Note: This might still be easier to do in Scripted View or Reporting Tool .  Scripted Calculation View is deprecated now, instead use Table Function .

In Figure 1, our base data is in Column 1 and 2 and we want to add Colum 3 ( "C UM_SUM" ) to existing data set. .

   Figure 1 : Base data and result

Detail Steps :

Figure 2 shows overall design of the calculation view.  It is pretty simple one, isn't it ?

Figure 2 : Graphical Calculation View

a) I have two projections (  ALL_DATA and ALL_DATA2 )  of the base data ( first two columns in Figure 1 )

b) Created one Calculated Column "DUMMY" on each projection and assigned it a value 1 .  You can assign any other constant value .

c) In join node ( JOIN_1 ) ,(inner)  joined these two data sets via 'DUMMY" column  .  After joining output would be like below

Figure 3: Output of Join node.

If you notice, for every month now I shall have 12 records  ( overall 12 X 12 = 144 ) .  Where my Month matches with Month1 , that is my actual value for that month . And I need to sum all other values where  Month >= Month1 .  So, for above example, sum of  10, 20 and 30 would give me cumulative sum for Month 3.

To do this, I defined two calculated attributes  , one to check if Month = Month1  and another to check If Month >= Month1  ( refer Figure 4 ) .

Figure 4: Calculated Columns ( Attributes) on Join_1 node

d) Now, I have two aggregation nodes. One with filter SAME_MONTH = "Y' and another with GREATER_EQ_MONTH = 'Y' .

Figure 5 : Aggregation node ( C UM_SUM )  -

I took Month and Amount_1 and renamed Amount_1 to C UM_SUM .

Figure 6 : Aggregation_2

Took Month and Amount with a Filter SAME_MONTH = 'Y' .

e) Lastly , we need to union these two aggregation nodes.  Take Amount from one node and C UM_SUM from another node.

Figure 7 : Union Node

Result is in Figure 1 itself

Note: Model can be much more complex based on number of characteristics you take, in my case it was only Month . If you really want to go for this approach ( have enmity with script or coding :smile:   ) , do not use the base tables in JOIN_1 . Use this model after you aggregate data to a certain extent.  Obviously , you would like to avoid a join m X m where m is a large number .

Equivalent SQL Code would be as simple as below . We can create a Calculation View ( Scripted) or  Table Function using this SQL .

a )

select a."Month" ,a."Amount" , ( select sum(b."Amount") from "<SCHEMA>"."RUN_SUM" b  where a."Month" >= b."Month" ) as run_sum
from "<SCHEMA>"."RUN_SUM" a
order by a."Month"

Or you can use Window function for better performance


select "Month" , "Amount" , Sum("Amount") over ( order by  "Month") from  "<SCHEMA>"."RUN_SUM"
order by "Month"

SQL in Section c running against a table with 1.3 billion records and I get the results in 40 micro seconds

c )

  WHERE CALMONTH BETWEEN '201401' AND '201603'

Please share your feedback and improvement suggestions

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