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This blog contains all steps relevant to the initial configurations, required to setup an ABAP environment on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). The blog will take you through the process of setting up a trial account on BTP, initial configurations that are required to setup an ABAP Environment on BPT and also the relevant configurations required to setup ABAP Development Tools (ADT) on Eclipse.

The topics relevant to this blog are as follows.

  1. Create a SAP Account.

  2. Create a SAP BTP Trial User.

  3. Create an ABAP Environment on SAP BTP.

  4. Setting up ABAP Development Tools (ADT) on Eclipse.

1. Create a SAP Account

First, we need to visit, in which you need to create an account.

Enter the following details on the registration screen and click the submit button for account creation.

Now check your mail to find the activation link, which you need to click in order to activate your account.

Note: It may take a couple of minutes or few hours for you to receive this email. Be patient 🙂 .

2. Create a SAP BTP Trial User

First you need to login to the SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) Cockpit. The following URL will take you to the SAP BTP Cockpit.

The user created in the previous step should be used to access the BTP Cockpit. Enter the Login Credentials and Click Log On.

A verification code will be sent your mobile, which you need to enter in the next screen to proceed to the BTP Cockpit.

Note: Try the option in which you will receive a call with the verification code as text messages do not work as expected in certain occasions. If you try more than 5 times, you will no longer be able to request a verification code for the same account again.

Now you will be redirected to the BPT Cockpit welcome screen, where you need to create a trial account.

Here, you can now create a subaccount that lives in a geographic region. I will be proceeding with Europe (Frankfurt) from this list where you have to click Create Account to trigger the provisioning process.

You will then see a dialog box while the account is being created. Upon completion, click Continue to close the popup and to navigate to the new account.

The global trial account contains one subaccount at this point. Navigate to subaccount by clicking on the tile named trial (this name may vary if you created the subaccount manually).


Now click the “trial” subaccount that was created, which will take you into the cloud foundry environment.

Now we have completed setting up the basic configurations that are needed to setup a trial subaccount, in which we will create a SPACE, where we will be setting up the ABAP Environment/instance.

To create a SPACE, give the space name as “dev” and create the space in which we will be doing our developments. Similarly, for Quality and Production environments we can have two other SPACEs but at this point, we will be focusing only on the Development space.

3. Create an ABAP Environment on SAP BTP

Now we will be creating the ABAP environment by searching for the relevant instance in the Service Marketplace.

In the service marketplace you can find all services that are available. Select Service Marketplace on the left to see all available services and add a value in the filter bar to find the service you are looking for. From here you can specify a service plan to provision service instances.

Note: Only Europe (Frankfurt) and Japan (Tokyo) regions are available yet to subscribe for the ABAP Environment, on Enterprise and Trial Accounts.

Please check here for more details regarding features that are available for different regions.

We can now create our ABAP environment inside our space.

Give a relevant name for your ABAP environment/instance.

Provide your email under the following JSON parameters and click NEXT.

Now your ABAP instance has been created successfully.


4. Setting up ABAP Development Tools (ADT) on Eclipse

First you need to have the Eclipse IDE set up on your local environment. Incase you do not have the IDE, the latest version can be downloaded from

At the point of documenting this guide, the latest version available for download was Eclipse 2021-03. You can download the installation, which gives us a heavily optimized IDE compared to previous eclipse versions.

4.1 Installation of HANA Tools

First you need to get HANA tools installed as a separate software on the Eclipse IDE.

HANA tools can be accessed via the following URL, in which you would see all the eclipse version that support HANA tools.

Since I’m using Eclipse 2020-12, I will be accessing the tools that are available on If you are using the latest version u can always use

To install HANA tools on eclipse, we must go to the following path, in which we will be entering the relevant URL to install all HANA tools.'

Help -> Install New Software -> Enter URL -> Select All Services -> Next. 

Once the installation is completed, Eclipse will restart automatically and now you should have ABAP tools installed successfully.

4.2 Create an ABAP Cloud Project

Now we can proceed with creating our first ABAP cloud project. This is where we will start all our ABAP in the cloud related work.

To create a new ABAP Cloud Project,

Select File -> New -> Other -> ABAP Cloud Project and click Next.

On the System Connection window, choose SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Environment as service instance connection option and hit Next.


On the Connection Settings window, provide all necessary information like below and hit Next.

Region             :           Europe (Frankfurt)

API Endpoint   :           automatically populates based on region

Email               :           email id of SAP Cloud Platform

Password        :           password of SAP Cloud Platform


On Service Instance Details window, provide the details by using the drop-down list boxes.

Now you would see all information that were used in creating the trial account on SAP BTP Cockpit, where these will be automatically populated as dropdowns.

Note: Here the Service Instance is the ABAP Environment that you created on the BPT Cockpit.

Now on the Service Instance Logon window, Click on “Open Logon Page in Browser”.

Enter the username and password that was used to create your account on the BTP Cockpit and click Log on in the browser.

The following message will appear on the browser, which indicates that your login was successful.

You can simply close the browser window and go back to your Eclipse IDE, in which you would see a global package under Project Explorer.



The above package could be used to do all your ABAP related developments on the cloud platform. Creation of Fiori Applications with help of the ABAP RESTful Programming Model, Creation of CDS views, Side-by-Side Extensions between SAP Cloud Platform ABAP and Remote APIs, Consumption of a Whitelisted APIs, Consumption of On-Premise OData Services, Consumption of On-Premise RFCs, Custom Code Transformation etc. are some of the tasks that can be carried out using the ABAP Environment that we have created in the above mentioned steps.

I will be posting more details related to ABAP in the Cloud Environment in near future.

Thank You!
0 Kudos
Hi Anslem Arnolda,

For me ABAP Enviornoment is not appearing.

0 Kudos
Hi Santhosh,

Are you using a trial user for this? If not, Please try this using a trial user. Otherwise you will have to purchase the ABAP instance. 



Hi Anslem,

Thanks for your reply.

Finally I found the issue, region should be Europe Frankfurt.



0 Kudos
Hi Santhosh,

Sorry I forgot to mention that as well.

Only Europe (Frankfurt) and Japan (Tokyo) regions are available yet to subscribe for the ABAP Environment, on Enterprise and Trial Accounts.

I will update the blog accordingly as well. Thank you for your input on this.


0 Kudos
Hi Anslem,

After upgrade Eclipse from Version 2021-03 to Version: 2021-06 (4.20.0), option mentioned at pp 4.2 Create an ABAP Cloud Project, has been removed.

Thank you

Best Regards

0 Kudos
Problem solved
0 Kudos

Hi Anslem,

Trust you doing great,


For me ABAP Environment also doesn't  appear eventhough already create trial account in Europe-Frankfrut.

Is there any steps i miss for this installation in SAP BTP?

Appreciate your answer. Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Congratulations on your blog Anslem,


I have a question. We can develop ABAP solutions like SAAS applications or this is not possible.


Thanks for your info.


Dear Anslem,

Thank you for the excellent blog post.

However I am facing an issue in authorization. Whenever I try to create an ABAP object in the ABAP Cloud Project, I am getting an authorization error:

" You are not authorized to make changes (authorization object S_ABPLNGVS)"

I have added both SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR and SAP_BR_DEVELOPER with all the business catalogs selected with unrestricted access.



Sudipto Choudhury
0 Kudos
Hey Sudipto,

I'm curious about that how to add SAP_BR_DEVELOPER?
Could you share a screenshot, note that I use a trial account! I don't know if it's possible in it. Thanks in advance.
0 Kudos
Probably its late, but for others who may get stuck on how to add SAP_BR_DEVELOPER role, here it is:

Once the abap instance is created, click on it. In the browser app, follow the below steps and its done

0 Kudos

Hi all!

I still have issue using option "Service Instance Logon window, Click on “Open Logon Page in Browser”.

Now i have this:


What is missing please?
Thank you,
Mauricio Predolim

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