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Oh Say Can You Say Groo-vy?

One of the most frequently asked questions related to SAP Cloud Platform Integration on SAP Community is about Groovy. It ranges from where to start learning about Groovy to a specific Groovy-related task/issue that needs to be addressed. While Groovy has been around for a while, its usage in the SAP ecosystem is quite recent. It is used as one of the scripting languages in SAP Cloud Platform Integration. Therefore a literature gap exists in the specific area of Groovy in the context of SAP Cloud Platform Integration, and thus the source of many of the above mentioned questions.


Would You Like a Bite?

With that in mind, vadim.klimov and myself got together to address this by writing an SAP PRESS E-Bite. After more than six months of intense writing and editing, it is our pleasure to announce that it is now ready for YOU! The E-Bite will be available from SAP PRESS beginning this Thursday, 18 June 2020.

Developing Groovy Scripts for SAP Cloud Platform Integration

Developing Groovy Scripts for SAP CPI


Despite trends like the low-code movement, and software vendors' efforts to simplify and standardise their products, it is our experience that integration has not become significantly simpler. On the contrary, with hybrid landscapes being the norm, integration requirements have become more diverse. For Vadim and myself, we have invested our time and energy over the past few years to learn and master Groovy, as we are convinced that it allows us to tackle the whole range of integration requirements. We would like to share with you the tips, tricks and learning paths that we have consolidated from our own journeys.

If you are interested in honing your skills in the same manner, we recommend you to pick up this E-Bite and go down the rabbit hole with us!


What's Down the Rabbit Hole?

Similar to Alice's adventure in Wonderland, your journey through the E-Bite will be action-packed and filled with adventures! There are tonnes of examples and code for you to try out, and it is peppered with treats that help to increase your productivity. Along the journey, you will also discover answers to some of these questions:

  • How to code in a "Groovier" manner?

  • Where to write/develop Groovy scripts - in CPI's web UI, in Notepad, or in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)?

  • Why are there different variants of accessing the message body:


message.getBody(java.lang.String) as String

  • And why we recommend the following instead, and how it actually works?!


  • How to simplify transformation from one JSON structure to another without using the built-in JSON<->XML converters?

  • What happens under the hood in CPI, when an iFlow is deployed?

No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced developer, there is bound to be something that you can learn from it.


Start Your Journey Today!

Ready to start your Groovy journey? Head on to SAP PRESS to get yourself a copy of the E-Bite.
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