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Hi There!  Thanks for checking out my blog.  As a Solution Manager Architect, I spend a lot of time implementing ChaRM for clients… and with lots of clients come lots of customizing requests!

I will be writing a series of How To’s, based on real world situations and requests.  Hopefully they will benefit you as much as they benefited our clients!

My fifth blog topic is a two-parter, its all about creating custom fields in the CRM UI for ChaRM and ITSM and configuration required to control those custom fields with security authorization, WITHOUT ABAP CODING!

WHAT:  The customer required a field for use in their ChaRM workflows called “Review Date” that they wanted only a certain set of end users to have access to.  They also wanted this field to be searchable and to be reported on.

This creation of the field was met by using the Application Enhancement Tool (AET within a Solution Manager 7.2 system SP6.

The security need was met by using the authorization object crm_fldchk.  I will go into details regarding all work that was required in this blog.


Prerequisites:  You must have followed the steps in part 1 of this blog series 🙂


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