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Environment: SAP BusinessObjects 4.2 SP4 Patch 4

SAP Crystal Report for Enterprise(CRE): Version Build 2016 Support Pack 4


Use Case: Sending a report copy to the respective vendors that are listed on the SAP Crystal Report for Enterprise report as a PDF file. (Not the entire report for everyone, individual copy for individual vendor/person)


This method is pretty much the same for Webi too. I encountered few errors while building the Publication thru CRE which I did not via Webi. Want to list them out here hoping it will help someone.


I have a CRE report created using the IDT(Information Design Tool) Universe. The report is saved in a folder on BI Launch pad.


  1. Right click anywhere on the BI Launch Pad to select NEW --> PUBLICATION

  2. Give a name in the General Properties under Tile section

  3. In the Source Documents Add the SAP CRE report by navigating to the folder where its saved

  4. After selecting the report there will be additional selections which will pop up on the left side. Select the Dynamic Recipients and Choose the source for Dynamic Recipients as "Crystal Reports Dynamic Recipient Provider"


NOTE: I have encountered different error message at this point. I have listed them with the snapshots in the attachements


Error 1:

CR Data Provider: Please check that 'Prompt when viewing' is not selected for each parameter in the Dynamic Recipient Document. Crystal Reports error message:Some parameters are missing values CRSDK00002545 [CRCAF00000042] ‎


Resolution: Go into CMC --> Folders locate the report and right click the report and select Default Settings --> Prompts


In here the "Prompt when Viewing**" lists all the prompts you have on the report. Make sure they are all unchecked. If you have a mandatory prompt you might have to tweak with that to make it optional and have a default value.


Error 2:  

The query did not finish running because a size or time limit imposed by the data source was exceeded.


Resolution: Set the default value for the prompts so you can limit the data set


Error 3: Internal error. Please contact your system administrator. RASPROCREPORT0195 [CRCAF000000042]

Error 4: Cannot open report document. --- Unable to load report. [CRCAF00000004]


Resolution: Logging off and logging back in resolved Error 3 & 4


5. After selecting the CRE report in the Dynamic Recipients Map the fields from the source document to those used to send the publication. I have the Recipient Identifier as the Vendor No. and Email as Vendor Email. We need to have these elements in the Universe/source created so you can pull them here


You can use the entire list of Vendors or if you uncheck the "Use entire list" you can pick and choose (Include or exclude) specific vendors that you want this report to be delivered.


6. Under Personalization you see 2 sections Parameters and Filters. Since the idea is to filter the report on Individual Vendors and send them their copy. In the Filters section within Personalization In the Report Filed select the Vendor Number and similarly select the Vendor number in the Dynamic Recipient Mapping under filters in Personalization.


7. Select the format. I have selected PDF


8. In Destinations select EMAIL and in the To: %SI_EMAIL_ADDRESS%. Add the attachment.


If you don't want to deliver an empty document with no data then select the appropriate option in the Delivery Rules.


Schedule the report. I would advice to do a "Test Mode" before sending this out to everyone just to confirm everything is good. It gives you an ideas to improvise too may be adding subjects or file name with vendor name or something.


I have attached the snapshots with point wise. Hope this helps someone!


Sorry guys I just realized that I cannot attach a document. If any of you need step by step document with snapshots please leave me your email address below.



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