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With the introduction of Fiori Elements SAP started a revolution in the way we can construct Fiori apps, they are basically a set of generic UI5 codes that can read annotations and generate applications automatically without the need of javascript coding.

These templates are powered by Smart Controls, you can place them in your XML views to create mixed apps or just let the Fiori Elements execute all the job.

Currently, there are 3 different types of Fiori Elements available:

  • List report: Allows users to filter and work with large amounts of data.

  • Object page: Shows all facets of a single business object.

  • Overview page: Immediate domain specific insight on what needs attention. Offers quick actions.

For more information check this link:

OBS: A new template called Analytical List Page is available after the innovation version 1.48, I'm going to cover this subject in a future post.

A List Report template is always implemented in conjunction with an Object Page, this powerful template provides the ability to query and filter a set of records and navigate to a detail page of the record.

For more information about these templates check the links below:

An Object Page is basically composed by a Header and Facets (sections), each facet is related with a group of data and we can use the following layouts:

  • Forms & Fields

  • Contacts

  • Tables

  • Charts

Most part of the developers don't know about the possibility to insert a chart inside an Object Page and it's not a difficult task to implement, with a sequence of simple steps you'll be able to enrich your application with a powerful analysis tool.

Okay, enough talking and let's start the development of our demo. 🙂

I'm going to split this post in 3 sections:

  1. ABAP CDS view

  2. OData project

  3. UI5 Project (Web IDE)



To avoid spending time with table creations, we're going to reuse the Flight demo table offered by SAP, so let's create 2 new CDS views on top of this table:

  • ZDEMO_FLIGHT: Returns all the flights, type of plane, dates and respective prices.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMOFLIGHT'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Flight'

@UI.headerInfo: {
title.value: 'FlightCode',
description.value: 'PlaneType',
typeName: 'Flight',
typeNamePlural: 'Flights'

@OData.publish: true

define view ZDEMO_FLIGHT
as select from sflight
association [0..*] to ZDEMO_FLIGHT_CHART as _Chart on $projection.FlightCode = _Chart.FlightCode
and $projection.FlightDate = _Chart.FlightDate
@EndUserText.label: 'Flight Code'
@UI: {
lineItem.position: 10,
fieldGroup: {
qualifier: 'FlightDetails',
position: 10
key concat(carrid, connid) as FlightCode,

@UI: {
selectionField.position: 10,
lineItem.position: 20,
fieldGroup: {
qualifier: 'FlightDetails',
position: 20
key fldate as FlightDate,

@UI.lineItem.position: 30
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'Currency'
price as Price,

@Semantics.currencyCode: true
currency as Currency,

planetype as PlaneType,


  • ZDEMO_FLIGHT_CHART: Returns the maximum capacity of seats and occupied seats per class for each one of the flights.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMOFLIGHTCHART'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Flight'

@UI.chart: [{
qualifier: 'OccupiedSeats',
chartType: #COLUMN,
dimensions: [ 'FlightCode' ],
measures: [ 'MaximumCapacity', 'EconomyOccupiedSeats', 'BusinessOccupiedSeats', 'FirstOccupiedSeats' ]

as select from sflight
key concat(carrid, connid) as FlightCode,

key fldate as FlightDate,

seatsmax as MaximumCapacity,

seatsocc as EconomyOccupiedSeats,

seatsocc_b as BusinessOccupiedSeats,

seatsocc_f as FirstOccupiedSeats

Let's review some important points about the annotations we have in these CDS views:

  • @UI.headerInfo: This annotation is used to place information in the header of the Object Page, in our case we place the Flight Code and Plane Type as title and description.

  • @UI.lineItem: This annotation determines the position of the field in the result list of the List Report.

  • @UI.selectionField: This annotation determines the position of the field in the filter of the List Report.

  • @UI.chart: This is the main annotation regarding our demo's purpose. It basically sets the chart type, dimensions and measures for a Smart Chart consumption inside the Object Page.

  • @Semantics.amount and @Semantics.currency: These annotations define a relation between an amount field and respective currency.

  • @EndUserText.label: This annotation provides a label for a specific field.

  • @OData.publish is used to publish the OData service automatically without the need to create an OData project through transaction SEGW (you can check more details about OData Project in the next section).

An interesting point is that both CDS views share the same key, so why I need to split the content in 2 different views?

I don't know exactly but there is some kind of restriction and the Smart Template expects this specific structure of separate views (one for the main entity and another one for the chart).

I've tried to place the chart (and respective annotations) in a single view but the Smart Chart wasn't rendered properly by the UI5 application. You can also notice that we define the association as [0..*] instead of [0..1], if you don't follow this convention the chart will not appear in the screen as well.

Now the ABAP CDS views are finished, we just need to expose/activate our OData service and generate our UI5 application.

OData Project

There are 2 ways to create your OData project consuming ABAP CDS views:

  • Create a new project through SEGW transaction and include your CDS views by Reference. Just right click on the Data Model folder and select Reference -> Data Source.

  • Include the @OData.publish annotation in the header of your CDS view, the system will create your OData project automatically based on the field structure and annotations.

@OData.publish: true

define view ZDEMO_FLIGHT
as select from sflight

We use the second option to publish our service, but no matter the approach you decide to follow just remember always to activate the OData service in the Front-end server (SAP Gateway server) through the transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE.

UI5 Project (Web IDE)

There are some types of annotations that are not available through the ABAP CDS, in this case we need to mix a little bit of the local annotations (published inside the UI5 application) with the annotations generated by the ABAP CDS views.

I, personally, prefer to include all annotations in the CDS views because if I need to execute a maintenance there is no need to re-deploy the whole application, we just need to transport the ABAP CDS view that holds the relevant annotations and the job is done!

But in the case of a Facet configuration (Object Page sections), there is no other option instead to configure through the UI5 local annotation.


Let's start creating a new project based on a List Report Application.

Note #1: I'm using the SAP Innovation version 1.48, but Smart Charts and List Report Application are available since the version 1.44, if you are working with an on-premise solution you can still use this functionality.

Fill the project name, title, namespace and description:

Define your data source and select the ZDEMO_FLIGHT_CDS service.

Note #2: Since we are publishing our OData service through the @OData.publish annotation, the system generates a project with the name of our ABAP CDS view + the _CDS suffix.

Select the annotation ZDEMO_FLIGHT_CDS_VAN (generated automatically by the OData Service / ABAP CDS).

Note #3: If you don't select this option all the annotations declared through your ABAP CDS view are not going to flow to the UI5 application.

Finally select your OData Collection ZDEMO_FLIGHT and confirm the template creation.


Now open the project path, annotations folder and the file annotations.xml.

Open the annotation modeler and select the Entity Type ZDEMO_FLIGHTType.

Let's create 2 new facets, for the first one we will reference the field group with the ID FlightDetails and in the second facet we will point to the chart annotation with the ID OccupiedSeats.

Note #4: Notice that all annotations that we declared through our ABAP CDS views are available under External Annotations section, the Annotation Modeler merges automatically annotations from external sources (ABAP CDS or OData project) with the local annotations declared inside the UI5 application. If you want to declare your Smart Chart in a scenario without ABAP CDS there is no restriction, you just need to open the Annotation Modeler and place your own @UI.chart annotation.

After you finish to edit this file, save the content and start the application.

This is the expected outcome:


List Report


Object Page

Good one Felipe. Thanks for sharing . You can also have a mixed OData Project where some of the entities are manually implemented and others use SADL and CDS views.  Just to provide more flexibility. Check out the blog -
0 Kudos
Hey Saurabh,

There is actually another possibility when you generate the structure through the ABAP CDS view and populate part or all of the data through the OData service layer, specifically with an ABAP code in the Data Provider Class Extension (suffix DPC_EXT).

SAP uses this approach in standard applications to populate long texts or price calculations that needs to run through a formula during the runtime. If there is no option to retrieve this data through an ABAP CDS view you can use this mixed approach.

I use this technique in a few of my developments and it works perfectly! The good part about this strategy is that you reduce the time configuring the SEGW. ?

Thanks for your contribution.



Excellent Felipe .

I have tried this everything works perfect.

Ia m expecting you next blog on OVP & Analytical Page


0 Kudos
Hi Syam,

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm currently working in a new article about KPIs and criticality using Overview Pages, I'll try to release this one until the end of the year. I've been working also with small articles focusing only in ABAP CDS development.

I will probably release my post about Analytical List Page in 2018, but this subject definitely deserves a detailed post about the new functionalities and improvements compared with the List Report & Object Page.


0 Kudos
Hi Felipe,


That's Cool!!



0 Kudos
Can we use CDS views in the master-detail template ?
0 Kudos
Hi Rolf,

Since you can encapsulate your CDS views in OData projects it is actually possible to use with any kind of Web IDE templates or custom apps, the only problem is that you will not benefit by the power of annotations because they work only in two scenarios:

  • Fiori Elements apps: templates available through Web IDE.

  • Mixed apps: custom application with Smart Controls implementation.

You should be fine if your intention is only to consume the data instead to generate UI driven applications based on annotations.


0 Kudos
Thanks a lot, Felipe,

I have another requirement for my current development. Is it possible to create icon tab bar in object page using annotation modeler? Currently, I am using Facet to show different sub-screen.



0 Kudos
Hi Angshuman,

Sorry but I didn't understand how your query is related with Rolf's question.

If you are facing issues with an specific development I advise you to post your question in the Q&A section instead of using blog comments to ask help. This way the community can help with your requirement and others users can benefit from the discussion too.

If you have any queries related with the content of this article I'll be glad to help.


0 Kudos
getting error

Unhandled Error: Request failed: Server Error URI: /file/as-OrionContent/ZDEMO_FLIGHT/
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Felipe,

I have tried all those steps. Everything works fine the list is come out and I am able to click on the line item but the chart is not coming out. Do you have any idea where I can check?


0 Kudos
Hi Methee,

If you are using ABAP CDS views I advise to review the declaration of the @UI.Chart annotation. I remember to face some issues because I didn't declare the annotation inside of an array, between [...], check the example below:
@UI.chart: [{
qualifier: 'OccupiedSeats',
chartType: #COLUMN,
dimensions: [ 'FlightCode' ],
measures: [ 'MaximumCapacity', 'EconomyOccupiedSeats', 'BusinessOccupiedSeats', 'FirstOccupiedSeats' ]

Also, review all of your annotations and also try to use the same SAPUI5 version defined in my article (SAP Innovation 1.48). Since SAP has been updating their libraries constantly is always good to check if the functionality is still available in the current version.


0 Kudos
Hi Phillipe,


I have downloaded SAP webIDE version 1.53.5 from

but once I create an application I have found that the latest version I've got is 1.44. (as attached pic)

Do you have any idea what I might be missing here? Thank you.
0 Kudos

Hi Felipe,

I am working with a List Report application based on gateway odata(not cds). The application purely is based on frontend UI annotations.Issue is when I create any chart annotation and assign to object page, it always shows no data available(even tried with list report extension & defined chart in fragment). Also the batch call goes infinitely.

Question is: Is there any code implementation needds to be done in a non cds odata service? or only aggregate settings is enough? any help?



0 Kudos

I believe you are talking about different versions of the SAPUI5, after creating your project via SAP Web IDE you can select prior versions depending on your requirements.

There is also an assistant to support this configuration.


0 Kudos
Hi Sakthi,

No code implementation is necessary if you are following the structure proposed by this article and defining the right set of annotations.


0 Kudos
Thanks Felipe, Explained Well 🙂
0 Kudos
Hi Felipe - I am trying to display total seats per plane type ( field snumber in table SCARPLAN ) as a measure, but for some reason the measure is displayed in intervals of 0.2,04 ...1. and there are no vertical bars.

Can you pls help.

0 Kudos

Hello Kshitij,

I am also facing the same issue regarding the smartchart. Did you resolve this? If yes, please help.

0 Kudos

Hello Felipe,

I followed the same steps as given by you. But still facing the issue to display the smartchart.
Kindly suggest.

Plz add -> @DefaultAggregation: #SUM to your Measure field in CDS ZDEMO_FLIGHT_CHART. It will work.



Plz add -> @DefaultAggregation: #SUM to your Measure field in CDS ZDEMO_FLIGHT_CHART. It will work.


0 Kudos
Hi Felipe,

I must say that I like the way you think.

I was thinking than rather than implement Cross App Navigation from an overview page via a chart click, is it possible to simply place another chart using the facets annotations. My thought is yes.

Love your blogs champ.

0 Kudos
Thanks for your help. It fine.
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