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With Jan 2021 release (expected to reach customers by month end ), we released a feature in CPI to complement the metered Connections displayed in the account cockpit.  Now, CPI customers can download a report that contains additional details on how the metered connections count got derived.

Note that this feature is available only on Neo environment with this release.This will be available on CF in the coming months.

In this blog, I would walk you through the steps required to get additional details on the CPI connections.
NOTE that the APIs offered are not meant to be used in Integration Suite.

Usage Analytics

A connection is an association between two unique end points via the SAP Cloud Integration. A unique end point is a combination of the IP address and the port.

Subaccount Admin can view the usage of the Cloud Integration service by navigating to Subaccount->Usage Analytics as shown below:


Usage Analytics - CPI Connections


NOTE: The number shown here is the total connections including the 3 free connections.


Once the subaccount admin gets the connections count,he/she would like to get additional details on how this number got derived.Below mentioned steps would help him/her to get the additional details.


Downloading a Report on Deployed Connections

In order to get additional details on the deployed connections, you should be an Administrator for the provisioning application.

Make sure that you have already assigned the role AuthGroup.Administrator on Provision application as shown below:


Navigate to Subscriptions -> provision


User ID to be used



Assign Role to user


Step 1: Access Process Integration Service from Services

Access the Process Integration Service from the services section of the account cockpit as shown below:


Access Process Integration Service


Step 2: Navigate to Provisioning Application

Navigate to ProvisioningApp by clicking on Configure Process Integration link as shown below:


Navigate to ProvisioningApp via Configure Process Integration


Step 3: Download the report

Click on Generate Report and followed by download of the generated report to get additional details on the deployed CPI connections.


Generate Report of Deployed Connections



Download Connection Details


That’s all. You should now be able to download an excel that contains additional details on how the connections count got derived.

NOTE 1: Remember that the generated report is based on the deployed connections at the time of generation .

NOTE 2: If you are CPEA customer, your monthly invoice of Additional Connections would consider the MAX connection count from the tenant for that month.


Hope you enjoyed reading the blog. See you  again with another interesting blog.


Additional Reference:

OData API for connection details: 2962718 - Connection Metering API for SAP Cloud Integration (CPI) - SAP ONE Support Launchpad