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It is a common scenario that cloud applications need to connect to remote systems to fulfil the business goals of their creators and those of their end users. This is essential for enterprise applications, which are generally complex and consume data from and/or push data to a variety of sources or destinations – systems that are directly accessible, systems hosted in public or private cloud, or such that are hosted in the customer premises. This use case is called hybrid connectivity.

Sounds complex, right?! With this blog post, I show you that it has never been easier to solve this problem. Let’s get started and see how SAP BTP Connectivity can help with this challenge, more specifically, in SAP BTP Kyma environment.


Well, complex things cannot be made simple without proper preparation work. Therefore, I need to setup the environment. For the purposes of this blog post, I don’t get into details on how each step is done, if interested, you can follow the links:

  1. Setup the cloud environment:
    1. Create a SAP BTP subaccount - the PaaS context in the domain of SAP BTP, i.e., an account enabled to instantiate cloud application development environments, create and manage service instances, etc.
    2. Enable Kyma environment - the cloud-native application hosting environment
      1. Enable Connectivity Proxy for cloud to premise technical connectivity, an integrated module in Kyma environment
        Edit: In the meantime, since March 12, 2024, Connectivity Proxy has become a native Kyma Module
      2. Enable Transparent Proxy for unified, virtually transparent technical connectivity to any destination or data source, an integrated module in Kyma environment
  2. Setup the local environment
    1. Install Kubectl - the command line interface for connecting to and interacting with the Kyma instance
    2. Install Cloud Connector for controlled and secure exposure concrete systems or resources, hosted in a VPC on Hyperscalers or on-premises - in my case, on my PC.
  3. For each scenario use case, create the relevant destinations in SAP Destination service using SAP BTP cockpit.


Overview of the scenario

Image: Scenario Schematic Overview

This solution diagram depicts the high-level architecture and layout of the SAP BTP tools, software components, services listed above in the Prerequisites section. The focus on the scenario is on the Application side. The rest is depicted for completeness and better end-to-end understanding.

In this blog, I showcase how I can connect my cloud application to the following target systems. I start with the trivial and then continue with the more advanced use cases:

  1. Google - direct connectivity without using any of the SAP BTP Connectivity software and services
  2. Google via destination - direct connectivity with usage of SAP BTP Connectivity software and services
  3. Google via destination and Cloud Connector - indirect cloud to premise connectivity - in my setup Google is directly accessible via my local Cloud Connector
    Note: this use case is presented only for the purpose of showcase and ease the perception of the reader, it is not expected to be done in production
  4. SAP Authorization and Trust Management Service (XSUAA) via destination - OAuth based REST API
  5. An HTTP system hosted on-premises via destination and Cloud Connector - indirect cloud to premise connectivity
  6. An HTTPS system hosted on-premises via destination and Cloud Connector - indirect cloud to premise connectivity with Principal Propagation enabled, i.e., end-to-end secure user context propagation, a.k.a Single Sign On (SSO).

I pick those systems to showcase what I claimed in the begging of this blog - It has never been easier!

Note: For the creation of the destination pointing to XSUAA in step 4 of the scenario, I followed these two simple steps in BTP cockpit:

  1. Create a service instance of service "xsuaa", plan "apiaccess"
  2. Create a destination pointing to the service instance via destinations UI - just a few clicks job!

Configure the scenario

To get the scenario in action, at first I need to configure the target systems as technical connection configurations, a.k.a. destinations. In this way I control to which systems the application has access to and can switch the used technical authentication and authorisation mechanisms on the fly – changing the destination attributes without affecting the experience of the end user, and without affecting the lifecycle of the application.

Expose the on-premises system to the cloud

For the destinations pointing to systems hosted in the customer premises (points 5 and 6 of the scenario overview), I need to securely expose those to the cloud.

You guessed it, for this I configure the respective Access Controls in my SAP Cloud Connector:

Image: Access Control entries in Cloud Connector

In this example, the two systems hosted in the on-premises are simple HTTP and HTTPS servers:

    • System #1: localhost:8000 - serves HTTP, returns status code: 200 with the received HTTP request line as a message.

    • System #2: localhost:9000 - serves HTTPS, returns status code: 200 with the received HTTP request line as a message, and the subject common name (CN) of the received X.509 client certificate as part of the HTTP request - the user context propagated from the cloud, achieving Single Sign-On (SSO).

Manage the technical connection configurations

One of the best practices for cloud-native applications is to externalise any configuration and avoid coupling it with the lifecycle of the application, e.g. via hard-coding it. I use Destination service for managing the technical connection configurations (a.k.a. destinations), as guided by the Golden Path defined in Cloud Application Programming model of SAP BTP.

In the context of my SAP BTP subaccount, I create the following destinations, pointing to the variety of systems I’ll connect my cloud app workload running in my Kyma instance.

Image: Destinations in BTP cockpit

Expose the destinations in the Kyma instance

To allow an application to consume the defined destinations, I declaratively expose only those I'm interested in, and are specific for this particular use case. For this, I create specific Destination Custom Resources, a common practice for cloud-native applications based on Kubernetes. In Kyma environment, I can do this either via Kyma Dashboard, or via command-line using Kubectl.

Image: Creation of a Destination CR in Kyma Dashboard

Shortly after the Destination CR is created, Transparent Proxy process it and updates the status of the Destination CR with a message that the technical connectivity is successfully configured, and this destination is ready to be consumed.

Image: Status of a Destination CR in Kyma Dashboard

Using the same approach, I expose all the destinations required specifically for this use case.

Image: Destination CRs in Kyma Dashboard

It's all set now, let's play with the application.

Scenario in action: Connect the application to the remote systems

As described in the status message of the Destination CR, the Transparent Proxy exposed the referenced destination via the specified name in the form of locally accessible host, leveraging the concept of Kubernetes Service.

As a result, it’s trivial for the application to connect to those local hosts, and this is the only task needed to be performed. It’s that easy!

For simplicity and versatility reasons, my application is represented by a local terminal attached to a container running in a Kubernetes Pod in the Kyma Instance. Then I use cURL command-line tool for executing HTTP requests towards the target systems.

How it’s done? Once connected to the Kyma instance via Kubectl, I run a sample cURL image as a Kuberenetes Pod and open a terminal session via the following command:


kubectl run mycurlpod -n sap-transp-proxy-system --image=curlimages/curl -i --tty -- sh



Executing request to Google:

This is a trivial direct invocation of the public web page of Google:


~ $ curl -v

*   Trying

* Connected to ( port 80

> GET / HTTP/1.1

> Host:

> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK



<!doctype html><html...<title>Google</title><script...



Executing request to Google via destination:

This is an example reaching the same public web page of Google, but this time via destination, locally exposed and served by Transparent Proxy, and centrally managed via Destination service:


~ $ curl google -v

*   Trying

* Connected to google ( port 80

> GET / HTTP/1.1

> Host: google

> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK



<!doctype html><html...<title>Google</title><script...



Executing request to Google via destination via Cloud Connector:

This is an example of reaching the same public web page of Google via destination, locally exposed and served by Transparent Proxy, Connectivity Proxy, and centrally managed via Destination service. The destination is configured to point to an on-premises system, exposed to the cloud via Cloud Connector:


~ $ curl mypremisegoogle -v

*   Trying

* Connected to mypremisegoogle ( port 80

> GET / HTTP/1.1

> Host: mypremisegoogle

> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK



<!doctype html><html...<title>Google</title><script...



Executing request to XSUAA API via destination:

This is an example for getting the registered service instances of the current subaccount via destination, locally exposed and served by Transparent Proxy, and centrally managed via Destination service.


~ $ curl xsuaa-api/sap/rest/authorization/v2/apps -v

*   Trying

* Connected to xsuaa-api ( port 80

> GET /sap/rest/authorization/v2/apps HTTP/1.1

> Host: xsuaa-api

> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

< cache-control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate

< content-length: 10621






Executing request to an on-premises HTTP server via destination via Cloud Connector:

This is an example of connecting to a simple on-premises HTTP server via destination, locally exposed and served by Transparent Proxy, Connectivity Proxy, and centrally managed via Destination service. The destination is configured to point to an on-premises system, exposed to the cloud via Cloud Connector:


~ $ curl mypremserver/test-path -v

*   Trying

* Connected to mypremserver ( port 80

> GET /test-path HTTP/1.1

> Host: mypremserver

> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK



Response generated by HTTP server: 

GET /test-path HTTP/1.1



Executing request to an on-premises HTTPS server via destination via Cloud Connector with Single Sign-On enabled:

This is an example of connecting to an on-premises HTTPS server via destination, locally exposed and served by Transparent Proxy, Connectivity Proxy, and centrally managed via Destination service. The HTTPS server requires the cloud user identity to be propagated. The destination is configured with PrincipalPropagation as authentication type, and to point to an on-premises system, exposed to the cloud via Cloud Connector:


~ $ curl myppserver -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni...bwKMpAGKbhECqvkyibC7Q' -v

*   Trying

* Connected to myppserver ( port 80

> GET / HTTP/1.1

> Host: myppserver

> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0

> Accept: */*

> Authorization: Bearer yJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni...bwKMpAGKbhECqvkyibC7Q


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

< server: envoy

< date: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:17:47 GMT

< content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

< content-length: 1956

< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 657



Response generated by HTTPS server: 

GET / HTTP/1.1


Received X.509 client certificate with Subject: <Name(>




As you can see, it’s that simple! No matter of the type and hosting location of the target system, from the application development perspective the user experience is the same – simple, unified, virtually transparent, and the technical complexity is handled by the usage of software components and services part of SAP BTP Connectivity product portfolio:

Тhis simple yet powerful approach enables application developers to focus more on their business goals and delegate the technical complexity to SAP BTP Connectivity, and at the same time the application administrators can manage the outbound technical connections (via destinations) without affecting the lifecycle and availability of the application itself.

Stay tuned and subscribe to What's New for SAP BTP Connectivity page.

Hi @manolvalchev,

Impressive and very useful!, a few take aways from it:

  1. The transparent proxy is a module in Kyma, one click enablement

  2. It makes the consumption of remote services( on-prem & cloud ) super easy, because in the end all of them are consumed locally( intercepted & enhanced via the transparent proxy using the destination service )


Kind Regards.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi manolvalchev,

great read - thanks for sharing this useful piece of information and showing the community how the transparent proxy can simplify destination usage in our beloved SAP BTP, Kyma Runtime! Amazing work! Any indication whether the Private Link connectivity type will also be supported in the future?

All the best,


Hi martinfrick,

Thanks for taking the time and for your feedback! When Private Link becomes available on SAP BTP, Kyma environment, then Transparent Proxy would also adopt, and support those destinations configured with ProxyType=PrivateLink in addition to the currently supported feature set.


0 Kudos
but there is no CR Destination in the cluster where I am working

0 Kudos


Transparent Proxy is a Kyma Module and has to be enabled first: Enable and Disable a Kyma Module

Once the Transparent Proxy module is enabled, it creates the Destination CRD (Custom Resource Definition. After that the Kyma administrator can use either the UI (aka Kyma Dashboard) or Kyma command line tools to create and manage Destination CRs (Custom Resources). With latter, the user explicitly decides which exact destinations to be locally exposed in the respective Kyma instance.

0 Kudos

the module was enabled but the CR Destination did not appear.

What is available on your Kyma is not the same as what is available to me.

0 Kudos

The CRD should be there but the CR is something you as Kyma administrator need to create, effectively doing this "declaratively enable a destination with a concrete name to be locally exposed in the Kyma instance", as an example, check this documentation: Using the Transparent Proxy -> Internet Connectivity

P.S. for this blog post, I have manually created the CRs but didn't want to focus on this in details. You may expect another dedicated blog post on how to easily enable and start using the Transparent Proxy.

0 Kudos

"It has never been easier!"

To make it really easy, I need the step of creating the CR Destination or for it to already be created with Kyma. It doesn't make sense not to have this CR natively.
I do agree that there's a room for further improvements. E.g., an option for out-of-the-box Transparent Proxy module enabling incl. creation of a default CR is something you may expect coming soon (no concrete dates can be shared due to obvious reasons).

Facts are facts, it has really never been easier! You can try doing all that without the presented capabilities to truly value what's recently made available. I would be surprised if one just stops or feels challenged on the step of creating the CR (which is super simple step, included primarily due to security reasons).

"It doesn't make sense not to have this CR natively." - it does. CRs are meant to be created by the users of the deployment. CRDs are meant to be created by the deployment. There are many examples, perhaps one of the most notable and easy to understand is Ingress Controller - it gets deployed and ready for use, it creates the CRDs but it does not create for you a default Ingress CR. Hope this helps!

0 Kudos
0 Kudos

There was an adjustment missing in the transparent-proxy module, "Basis" adjusted it and CR Destination appeared.

Now the following error appears:

- lastUpdateTime: '2024-02-23T00:07:54.075455414Z'
message: Technical connectivity is not configured.
reason: ConfigurationError-ReferencedDestinationServiceInstance-NotProvided
status: 'False'
type: Available
- lastUpdateTime: '2024-02-23T00:55:54.418512862Z'
message: Technical connectivity is not configured.
reason: ConfigurationError-ReferencedDestinationServiceInstance-DoesNotExist
status: 'False'
type: Available

0 Kudos
- lastUpdateTime: '2024-03-01T13:00:16.243538713Z'
message: >-
On-Premise technical connectivity is not configured. There is no value
provided for connectivity proxy service name.
reason: ConfigurationError-ConnectivityProxyServiceNameNotProvided
status: 'False'
type: Available
0 Kudos

" "Basis" adjusted it and CR Destination appeared. "

I could not understand that.

In the case of the errors, the "reason" field is there to shortly describe the error while the "message" field is there to provide you with more insight on what's the next step towards solving the problem.

1. reason: ConfigurationError-ReferencedDestinationServiceInstance-NotProvided

In order Transparent Proxy to work properly, it needs access to service binding / credentials of an instance of Destination service where the actual destinations are stored and managed by the respective administrators. You may check the Destination Service Integration on how to do that.

2. ConfigurationError-ReferencedDestinationServiceInstance-DoesNotExist

In this case it looks like relevant configuration has been applied, but it leads to non existing resource, e.g. K8s Secret resource which usually holds the service instance binding / credentials.

3. reason: ConfigurationError-ConnectivityProxyServiceNameNotProvided

In order Transparent Proxy to work properly, it needs to know what's the proxy endpoint of Connectivity Proxy.You may check the Connectivity Proxy Integration on how to do that.

P.S. Further improvements on the integration between these two modules in Kyma is planned. Stay tuned.

Hope this helps!

0 Kudos

FYI: In the meantime, since March 12, 2024, Connectivity Proxy has become a native Kyma Module which further simplifies the installation and management of Connectivity Proxy for establishing technical connectivity from cloud apps and services to systems the premise or VPC.

0 Kudos

@LuizGomes , if interested, you may check recent releases of Transparent Proxy addressing some of the received feedback from both trial and productive users, see What's New for SAP Business Technology Platform, Connectivity - Transparent Proxy for Kubernetes