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Cloud Foundry - My Inbox - Cannot create component for smart template rendering


Hello Experts,

In Cloud Foundry using business application studio I am creating a Custom UI5 application to trigger the workflow. I am referring the following blogs-

I have created 2 applications -
App1) Workflow

App2) Custom UI5 app using which I am able to successfully trigger the workflow from UI5 app and I can see that item in My Inbox as well. PFB-

However, once the item is selected in My Inbox it is throwing the following error:

PFB code from my custom UI5 application:
1) xs-security.json

2) xs-app.json

3) mta.yaml

4) Service Instances in Cloud Foundry

I am not sure why My Inbox is unable to load the component of the custom ui5 application, which as a standalone app is working fine.

The url which My Inbox is trying-

Standalone app url-

Can you please help.

Thanks & Regards,

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Shubham,

This is due to the existing restriction with Workflow Management SaaS application. You cannot view the user tasks based on SAPUI5 component from My Inbox application hosted in Workflow Management (see the restrictions here). For now only Forms are supported.

For that you have to use create the Launchpad module and add the My Inbox tile in it. You can download the content for Workflow Management FLP from here, just build and deploy it. Then you can use My Inbox and it will show the tasks.

0 Kudos

Hello Archana,

Thank you for providing the clarification.

I tried another way of integrating the UI5 application in My Inbox, this way I was able to load the UI5 app but as soon as I add any route in xs-app.json file, I face the same issue again.

PFB the steps-

Step1) Create a UI5 project using wizard
(don't add authentication, hence no xs-security.json file will be created)
(add a service, but then remove it from xs-app.json file)

Step2) Create a Workflow and add the UI5 project

Step3) Notice the My Inbox is now able to load the UI5 application

Step4) Now as soon as I add any route to xs-app.json file, I get the same issue again, ie, My Inbox is unable to load the UI5 app

"routes": [
      "source": "^/bpmworkflowruntime/(.*)$",
      "target": "/$1",
      "service": "",
      "endpoint": "workflow_rest_url",
      "authenticationType": "xsuaa"
      "authenticationType": "none",
      "csrfProtection": false,
      "source": "^/sap/opu/odata/iwbep/GWSAMPLE_BASIC/",
      "destination": "ES5"
      "source": "^(.*)$",
      "target": "$1",
      "service": "html5-apps-repo-rt",
      "authenticationType": "xsuaa"

Can you please help.

Thanks & Regards,

0 Kudos


I have desperately been trying to create a launchpad with my own inbox but when I try to deploy the sample Lauchpad you provided here. When I get to the step in the MTA where it tries to create a "portal" service, it fails as I don't have access to a portal service in my sap BTP trial account or my clients BTP client. Has this service been renamed? If I look for a service instance in the marketplace I don't see a "portal" service, is this only offered in particular additions?

Then end result here is that I have developed a custom UI for my inbox item and when we use the SAAS provide launched we get errors finding the application (like above). As far as I can tell the custom UI only works if you build your own launchpad. Any help would be much appreciated.

