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OpenSAP : Evolved web app SAPUI5 - W3U1 - Problem with GWSAMPLE from ES5

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Hello experts,

I'm currently following a SAP course led by benedikt.schoelch and i have to setup a Master-Detail project template in SAP Web IDE from trial cloud foundry with the service GWSAMPLE from ES5.

I follow every steps of the course but when it comes to test the app with the OData service i have the following error :


I have the same error when i try to launch the app from the cloned github repository...

First i used the version 1.60 of SAPUI5 (to match the course version), so i tried 1.85 but same problem...

I have used the wizzard without encountering any problem, i could select my GWSAMPLE service and set my parameters.

NB: Using mock datas is working so that's why i guess the problem is from GWSAMPLE service as i haven't touched any file of the project yet...

Also i have setup correctly the endpoint in the "preferences" of my workspace and i use this endpoint in my project.

I'm stuck...Any idea please?

Edit : Chrome dev tool errors


Edit 2: i tried a worklist application template with the same sample service and same entitySet and it's working.




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Ok after my "EDIT 2" in my main post i retried to create the template and now it's working.

Someone did something and now it's working 🙂

So thanks a lot whoever it is! I can move on to the next steps of my course.

