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How to get backup of Sybase ASE 16.0

Former Member

Dear All,

I would like to share my knowledge here. Kindly find the following backup configuration and how to take DB+LOG backup for Sybase.

Backup Tool: Putty

Database : Sybase ASE 16.0

First need to login with ''sybsid''

[root@bwdev ~]# su - sybsid
[sybgbd@bwdev ~]$
Sample Command Format:

[sybsid@bddev ~]$ isql -Usapsa -SSID -X
Password: 1> use master
2> go

( SID Transaction Log Database Backup configuration )

1> sp_config_dump @config_name='SIDLOG',
2> @stripe_dir = '/sybase/SID/SIDLOG_BACKUP' ,
3> @compression = '101' ,
4> @verify = 'header'
5> go
The change is completed. The option is dynamic and ASE need not be rebooted for
the change to take effect.
(return status = 0)

( SID Database Backup configuration )

1> sp_config_dump @config_name='SIDDB',
2> @stripe_dir = '/sybase/SID/SIDDB_BACKUP',
3> @compression = '101' ,
4> @verify = 'header'
5> go
The change is completed. The option is dynamic and ASE need not be rebooted for
the change to take effect.
(return status = 0)

DB backup :

1>dump database master using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database model using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database saptempdb using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database saptools using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database NPD using config = SIDDB
Trans log backup :

1>dump transaction NPD using config = SIDLOG


Pre-Requisite for sybase DB and LOG.I was given as per following path.



If you are facing any issue, Please follow the below URL...



Active Contributor
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Hi Juergen

Thanks for your support

After added the ASE Server port we are getting a different error message

"No language handler installed. Language cmd: dump database SID to 'M:\backups\AFP_Database' with compression = 101"

Could you help me out from the following error message? our ASE DB on Windows failover cluster environment



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Former Member


Yes.... I hope clearly mention the full backup scenario for Sybase. It will useful for all.

0 Kudos

Yes, I have clearearly mentioned the all steps and this is useful for all beginears to come up.