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SOFFICEINTEGRATION142 - SAPscriptWord2007.dotm

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I have a very strange issue and for the last years I faced it about two times in a year and it comes very infrequently.


- From one day to another, a user gets the error message "SOFFICEINTEGRATION142" during opening MS Word as editor for SAPScript/SmartForms
- e.g. TAC: SE61 > DocClass:"TX" / DocName:"ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO" or some other document > switch editor if MS Word (graphical editor) is not default
- I don't know if it comes from/with Windows updates (system or office)


- If I enable SAPGUI security there is no ask for downloading "%appdata%\microsoft\templates\SAPscriptWord2007.dotm"
- Even I disable security settings, the template is not downloading from SAPGUI
- I can see the latest date when the download works, because the latest "SAPscriptWord2007.dotm" files is still available
- Even I rename or delete the *.dotm file, download is not working
- Even an old version of the template is available, the MS Word editor brings up the error message
- Giving that user local admin permissions, using MS Word as editor and also the template download is not working
- If I login on the affected computer with another (my) Windows domain account, I can use MS Word as editor, as wanted. The download of the template is working.

- SAPGUI updates and upgrades (750 > latest patch / 760 latest patch)
- MS Office > repair and reinstall

SAP Notes:

- I've searched every note that has something to do with that error, but couldn't find one that fits for our problem, or gives a hint how to solve same or other issues.

What helps:

The only thing that helps us in that situation until now is, creating a new Windows user profile!
- but now we have a user, where we want to avoid that doing...


- Anyone an idea what it could be?
- Maybe something wrong with Windows registry?

Thanks for any help, hint or something else!!

Best regards,


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Better format your points with bullet points rather than with the CODE button, to make your text more readable...

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  • Short text: "Error while loading document"
  • Long text: "An internal error occurred in the SAP Document Container Control while loading a document. Procedure: If the error recurs, enter a problem message. There are notes relating to how to create the log file using the report SAPROFFICEINTEGRATIONTRACE1.

What about the note 2457908 - Opening a .docx file returns "Error while loading document" - SAPGUI? I think you should tell us the results of your investigation, trace, and so on...


Couldn't remove the "CODE" afterwards, but next time I'll use the points.

I'll try the trace and get back next week with the trace files (user is not available)

Thank you.

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You say: Couldn't remove the "CODE" afterwards

Yes, that's due to the fact that someone has answered, it's impossible to edit afterwards (but works as designed by SAP).

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Hi Sandra,

The mentioned report/programm doesn't exist "SAPROFFICEINTEGRATIONTRACE1", also the report/program "SAPROFFICEINTEGRATIONTRACE" mentioned in note 129920. The only report available is "SAPR_OFFICE_INTEGRATION_TRACE".

But, even I start the correct report, activate every mode, press "Start Trace" and start e.g. TAC SE61 to open a document with MS Word, no trace is written. (Neither local path nor remote path (SAP AS)).

Any idea?

After some search about SAP Office Integration Trace I found note "1887367 - How to get an Office Integration trace - SAPGUI for Windows"

What's the difference between those two options? Get I the same trace information if I start a GUI trace of Office Integration?

Thank you

Best regards,


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I don't know. If it's a rare problem that you can't reproduce, it's not worth investigating.

I was mentioning the long text of the message simply because of the cause ("An internal error occurred in the SAP Document Container Control while loading a document"). I didn't pay attention to the mentioned trace tool. What I suggested was to look at the note 2457908 which is exactly your symptom. When I was referring to the trace, it was more a possibility of investigation, not something to do if SAP doesn't say to use it.

So, the note says (in fact, I discovered it just now):

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SE61 calls the subroutine OI_OPEN_TEXT in include LSTXXF09 which calls OI_CREATE_EDITOR, which uses RTF:

  CALL METHOD oi_control->get_document_proxy
      document_type   = 'Word.Document.8'
      document_format = soi_docformat_rtf

I also see weird things like below, does this mean that it may fail intermittently for unknown reasons that even SAP clearly don't master:

    CALL METHOD oi_document->open_document_from_table
        document_table = oi_rtf_text[]
        document_size  = oi_rtf_size
        open_inplace   = 'X'.
    IF c_oi_errors=>has_succeeded IS NOT INITIAL.

But as I said, it's not worth investigating more...

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Hi Tobias,

Have your issue solved? I also faced such issues more and more frequent in SAP GUI 770 version.


Best regards!



Hi Jie,

If you mean with "solved" there is an easy way to fix the issue, no sorry, sadly I have still no direct helping solution..

In the last years ('til today), and it doesn't matter which Windows, SAPGUI or Office version we used, we have only to ways to solve this issue:

1. Check if it's a software (SAPGUI vs. Office) caused problem:
- Logon with a different user to the PC (as best, if that user was never logged in on that PC)
- Reproduce the issue with SAPGUI (whatever SAP user)
» If you get the same error message, issue is caused by software (SAPGUI + MSOffice)
  » Fixed by: Uninstall SAPGUI + MSOffice > Install MSOffice > Install SAPGUI
» If you get not the same error message, issue is caused by something in the Windows user profile > 2.
2. Add a new Windows profile for the user that caused the issue

Best Regards,
