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What is feeder class in FPM, and what is the use, please clarify

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Dear Professionals,

I've a requirement to develop an application in FPM, but i'm new to FPM, i've a good command on WDP. Can anyone help me on this concern, i've read FPM documents, and came to know there are some types of FPM, OIF, GAF, QAF..., please differenciate each and also clarify about UIBBs(Feeder Classes). What are the interfaces used to configur UIBBs.

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A feeder class is a plain old abap objects class, based on a specific interface (IF_FPM_GUIBB)

What it actually does, is allow you to define the metadata and the action logic. (definition of available information and implementation of action logic.

The feeder class can be consumed by a Generic UI Building block (GUIBB) in the FloorPlan Manager.

Create a new application based on the FPM_GAF_Component (roadmap) or the FPM_OIF_Component (tab pages)

On that application, foresee an application configuration. Go to the config editor. now create your component configuration. in the component configuration, you can add UIBB (UI building blocks).

Here, you can now choose to add an existing webdynpro component, or a generic building block (GUIBB). for the GUIBB, you have to specify whether it's a form or a table, and you must supply the feeder class.

The editor then loads the available fields of the feeder class (metadata) which you can put on your screen using the config editor.

but there's much more to it than what I can explain in a single blog post.

I advise to follow the training NET313 (FPM for WDA)

(and if you have no experience with configurations yet, maybe flip through NET310 and NET312 again.)

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Hi Tom,

Thanks for your valuable information. I tried to get those trainings which you have mentioned above, NET313, NET312, NET310 etc.. but didn't get real documents. Would you please provide the links where can i download directly.

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The training documents are copyrighted materials and must not be redistributed. When I advised to follow the NET313 training, I mean actually participate in a training at SAP.

Kind regards,
