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If you have the time and are in the area!

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

I'll be in Heidelberg on the 12th of December and thought it would be a great chance to come together and say hi! We've been online for so long now it'd be great to meet up, have a chat and a stroll through the city. If you happen to be in the area please come by and join!

P.S. I did not pick the meeting point because it's close to a gaming shop lol


Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Great idea! Maybe other locations with active community groups could do an equivalent meet-up at their location!

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There are also some "Christmas market Stammtisch" planned in Frankfurt and Stuttgart this week 😊

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Active Contributor

Great idea, Craig - I'll be there.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Great idea! I am in 🙂

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Community Advocate
Community Advocate

This is our local Christmas market in Eyre Square, Galway. Not quite Heidelberg! But still nice to have something in place. Mind you, today it is lashing rain and no day for the market - so, hope we get some nice frosty crisp dry days back again this month!

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It's beautiful and quite a crowd there.

I also hope the weather will be more "like Christmas" the next weeks 😊 I cross my fingers to all of us for ❄️

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Community Administrator
Community Administrator

We'll meet outside the Galeria Kaufhof around 19:00

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 22.39.00.png

Fun evening and we managed to survive the rain until 9pm when it came pouring down on us lol

Looks like you all had a great time! It's just too bad the blurred guy behind you apparently watched the cursed "Ringu" videotape. That can really ruin a person's holidays.

Make sure to subscribe to What's New!

Was a great evening and so nice to see you all before Christmas 🤗

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Cool pic folks - "a grand soft evening" then if it didn't rain til 9pm 🤣 - hope you all had a fun catch up!

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