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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Let me introduce myself - my name is Sigrid Wieshofer and I have been supporting SAP Customer Relationship Management since quite a long time - sounds crazy but it will be 12 years in February 2018. I supported different topics - starting with Middleware and Master Data, Analytics, Web Client Framework. Since 2012 I fully concentrate on CRM Interaction Center as the leading expert working together with colleagues from around the world.

I have two children (9 and 14) and I love going Skiing with my family.

I have studied Technical Mathematics and then worked for almost 5 years at the University of Agricultural Sciences (Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering) in Vienna doing research in snow mechanics and snow avalanches. After some years - working on one project after the other without a long-term plan for the future, I decided to do a second study beside my work and (later beside my first child) and started to study Project Management and Information Technology. Actually I thought, it might be much easier to work with computers than with natural hazards as computers are programmed by human beings and have determined behavior (later on I saw that I was not fully correct ;-))

After finishing it, I thought that now I am ready to leave university and work for a "real" company. I applied for job as Product Support Engineer in the  Global Support Center in Vienna, Austria. Since then I am an really happy SAP employee and never thought about leaving SAP.

I really love doing support - working together with customers, solving issues with debugging or other means. I also love documenting my findings in SAP Knowledge Base Articles, so that other customers having similar issues can solve their issues much faster.

Together with my colleagues, we are steadily updating our knowledge base -  here your KBA ratings and KBA comments are very helpful to improve our KBAs.

Now with Next Generation Support, I also have the chance to chat with you. This new channel makes it much easier for us to understand the new  product issue and to collect all necessary information. Even, we might not be able to solve all issues via the chat but need to transform the chat into an incident, it streamlines support.

We are also engaged in the SAP Community as moderators and contributors. We fully believe in the importance of an active CRM community.

From now on, I plan to share information from Product Support on a regular basis with you.  Please let me know what might be interesting for you. As long as it is related to SAP Standard product usage, we will try our best.