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In this blog I want to share a great video from SAP Hybris Marketing, which  helped me understand the richness of the contact data functionality. You can find it in the SAP Hybris Marketing DeepDives channel (which, by the way, also offers other interesting videos about SAP Hybris Marketing).

The other day I had to explain to a new colleague how contact data from various source systems, such as SAP ERP, Hybris Web Shop, or Facebook are matched and merged. Or more specifically, how a customer can ensure that the SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud system contains the most complete, accurate and up-to-date contact data.  As I'm not that familiar with this topic, I did what I always do in such a situation: I went to the SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud product page  and searched for ‘best contact data’.

Pleasant surprise: the first hit in the result list contained the information that I was looking for. From my first glance on the Contacts Best Record topic I got the impression that this is a powerful and complex functionality. However, I must admit that after the first read I did not feel comfortable explaining the functionality to my colleague.

And here comes the happy ending of my story: at the end of the topic, I found a video that answered all my questions in a thorough and easy-to-understand way. Not only did I learn what a customer needs to consider about his data sources before uploading them into his SAP Hybris Marketing system. I also understand how to interpret the data available in the system. And after I  watched the video, I could benefit much more from the written documentation because I was now able to put the details into the right context.

If you have watched the video or read the documentation and have ideas on how it can be further improved, I would be more than happy to receive your feedback.

Video is indeed a powerful tool because it can explain concepts with sound, images, and the spoken word. When done well, it can also provide an interactive and demonstrative experience that can elevate understanding.

However, Video cannot replace (or kill) written documentation. Video is even more linear than documentation and if there is something that is difficult to grasp, the viewer must pause, rewind, replay, and even take notes on what is being said. In effect, the Video is creating even more written documentation.

Rather, I would suggest that Video *enhances* Written documentation. Video can demonstrate a concept to increase conceptual understanding, but the Written documentation serves as the anchor with the step by step procedure and illustrations.

Video did not kill the Documentation Star: Video revitalized the Documentation Star. 😉
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Hi David,

thank you very much for your insights. The title was a bit provocative on purpose. My thinking goes in a similar direction. Video and documentation can complement each other perfectly - in our case, the video offers a good entry point and will allow the user to better understand the details of the written documentation.

Best - Korina