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Active Participant
Heylo Colleagues,

Back again with another blog and again would be speaking about yet another exciting community event.

This Sunday evening i,e 2nd April, 2023 was very special for SAP enthusiasts at Kolkata.

It's almost summer out here in Kolkata but it was nowhere near a typical lazy Sunday afternoon with the countdown to just another Monday.

Why ?

Because SAP Stammtisch Kolkata 2023 was held in Kolkata, an opportunity to spend network with fellow SAP enthusiast and industry SME'S.

SIT Kolkata

For anyone guessing about what SAP Stammtisch is all about, you can find the reference as svea.becker mentioned in the community post here . Read below:

"You might get confused when you hear the German word "Stammtisch"... what is it all about? As mentioned, it's a German phrase and can be translated with "regulars table" or "round table". It is an informal event, driven by local community members who get together to talk about SAP related topics and network.  It is also a great opportunity to extend your local community by getting new people on board."



Kolkata is buzzing city situated on the Eastern Fringes of India popularly known as the 'City of Joy' with itself being the Cultural Capital of India. With many SAP consultants, partners, industry experts based out of this city, it made Kolkata a perfect hub for such community events though long pending.

Though on a personal visit, but my love for the community, previous experience with community events notable SIT Bangalore and being my hometown, it did drag me towards this event participation.

The event started off with short introductions from each participant which included their association and expectations from the community. I would say this was one of the interesting introduction phase that I witnessed as it helped us know each other in no time and gain significant insights.

Throughout the rest of the event we focussed on various topics which included:

  • latest trend in market,

  • latest tech skills,

  • industry expertise from experts and SME's

  • planning for future events

Wait...there were also a bunch of snacks and drink to fill the tummy too. 😊😊

As a community and technology enthusiast, this was indeed a treat for like minded professionals like me who put in a constant effort to maintain the knowledge ecosystem.



Mention goes out to PradiptoMoumitaDipankarArindamSandeep for organizing the event and taking care of the logistics in an organized manner.

Thanks again to all the organizers and attendees for making this and first of a kind event a Grand Success.

Happy to see the Community Grow stronger irrespective of the location.

Lets learn from this and take it forward !!

We'll be back with a community group dedicated to Kolkata and some cool future events too 🙂🙂

Special thanks to Abhishek and Mahesh  for inspiring and setting the benchmarks right.


Regards & Gratitude,


Community Advocate
Community Advocate
Super cool to see so many community members on the first SAP Stammtisch ever in Kolkata! This is not often the case. Congratulations and kudos to you, subh4171 !

Looking forward to seeing more from the Kolkata community 🙂
Community Advocate
Community Advocate
Well done! What a great turnout for your first SAP Stammtisch!!
Active Participant
Much thanks 😊
Active Participant
Indeed. The turnout was excellent and a fruitful one.

Definitely a booster for the community.
Active Participant
thanks Subhajit to share the details of events happy to see the sap experties hope will meet live with sap experts thanks sap community
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