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SAP Build App Error

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I'm having this error when i try to build android app


  • Please verify your keystore contents by running the "keytool -v -list -keystore .keystore" command. Re-upload the keystore file if everything matches with the provided build settings.
Runtime version: 4.9.201; AB version: 2.1.14COMMAND:
NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=16000 npxrnv export -p android -s standalone -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.201 -r
Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p android -s standalone -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/orchestra-template-standalone@4.9.201 -r


Anyone can help?








Same here, any help would be great! Similar issue with IOS telling me the distrobution certificate is invalid when its just been created



Hello! I also have the same problem here, I've tried several times but it always returns the same error.
This is my first build using the new platform after migrating from Appgyver to SAP Build Apps.

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Is there anyone from SAP who can look into this issue? its pushing my crucial updates back @Slava 

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Sorry, have no android experience to help.

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Okay do you know anyone who can help? This issue is still ongoing for myself I’m not sure about the other users it’s both IOS & Android builds that are failing for either invalid distribution cert or keystore validation but no SAP advisors seem to have picked this post up to help. 

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Unfortunately, I don't know people working with Android. 

Based on experience of working with the keystore it seems like the certificate requested by your code does not exist in the keystore. That's why the message suggests to list certificates in the store to verify its presence. This is often an issue with self-issued certificates, which must be manually added to the keystore. The original message does not provide enough context to understand what's going on, but if what I say makes sense, maybe that's the problem. Otherwise, I can't help and can't recommend anyone.

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I've similar issue with iOS, please review my post: iOS build fails - SAP Community