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In the today’s episode of the Education NewsCast, host Thomas Jenewein and President of SAP Services Shane Paladin talk about leadership and learning.

How has the pandemic influenced your leadership strategy?

The leadership strategy remains the same in its core. But you have to take a step back and look at empathy as an important aspect now more than ever. You cannot tell how a person is feeling over Zoom – understanding emotions and the mental well being is more important than before.

Shane’s leadership strategy and values

Shane as a leader sees himself in a position where he is in service of all of his employees. It is his responsibility to provide his people with tools and enbablement so they can act for the benefit of the organization and to help them become the best they can be.

Learning from failures – examples and habits

Failures used to be a daily ritual for Shane. In the military, where he was pushed to his mental and physical limits he learned to get up again and again - he transfered this attitude to his business career. But also during his start-up experiences, failures were an integral part. One of the best learnings he pointed out, was that it is very important to communicate vision and purpose properly – a neglected action, that almost took one of his former companies to the wrong direction. One habit from Shane which helps him is to reflect at the end of every workday: what did I learn?

Reskilling of the workforce and innovation

Research shows that there will be a high need for reskilling in the nearer future. We live in a platform economy which absorbs all the complexity from the world nowadays. Thus, it is important to keep being focused. We have to take a step back and look on innovations first, which is key, especially on process innovation. Furthermore, change management also seems to be an underutilized skill asset, which needs to be tied up with innovation .

Tips for young professionals

  • Failure is good – if you feel too comfortable than you are not challenging yourself enough.

  • Seek out to mentors who are transparent with you.

  • Take accountability for your actions, reflect yourself, and hold yourself to a very high standard.

  • And whatever you do in your professional life, use it to amplify your personal achievements by making the best out of it.

Like in every podcast our guest reflected on his latest learning experiences and shared some links to keep up-to-date. Check out all the details in the podcast.
We are looking forward to having you with us next time! Would be great if you can share the podcast on social media and like it on Apple podcasts. And we are always thankful if you share your lessons learned from the talk like in the comments below.


Here are a few more interesting links:

Quorum sensing as metaphor for decision making
Stratechery - analysis of technology strategy & business
Book: Innovation Management: Strategies, Implementation, and Profits
Book: the Evolution of new markets
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