Welcome Corner Discussions
Join the Welcome Corner discussion, where newcomers and community veterans are encouraged to introduce themselves, learn about others, and build their networks.
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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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Hello Everyone,

i am from Germany (Bremen). I'm looking forward for interesting discussions.

Best regards


Welcome @Arne_Steinkamp ! 🙂 

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Hey Arne, 

Welcome to SAP Community.

I am originally from Bremerhaven 😉

Good to see some from Northern Germany here!

All the best, Svea

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Hi/Olá everyone!

I'm Jon - originally from a very small town in the state of Sao Paulo - Brazil but now I live in Manchester-UK (don't ask me if I like the weather 😅). I'm really excited to join this community, even though I've always been more of an observer. I'm hoping to contribute as much as I can!



Hi Jon,

I also been more of an observer, but I found that by reaching out and participating is being more helpful than sitting back and watching everyone else. Good luck in your journey!


0 Kudos

Hi @JonDiegoli welcome to SAP Community!

Although you live in Manchester now, you might want to be connected with others from Sao Paulo, don't you? We have a dedicated group for Sao Paulo https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/s%C3%A3o-paulo/gh-p/saopaulo - join it now! 🙂

Best, Svea

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Hi, I am Dayana from Bulgaria. Nice to meet you all!


Hi everyone, Im from the philippines its fun to be here 🙂 Philippines is a sunny country with delicious food and rice is a must. Looking forward to connect with awesome community in SAP GRC accesss control.



Welcome @mktiusapqt !

Great to have you:).

I actually was fortunate to taste dishes originating from the Philippines:) I invite you to join our "What's your favorite dish or snack" thread  and share your favorite dishes:) 

I also invite you to visit our SAP Community topic page for SAP Solutions for Governance, Risk, and Compliance . 

Looking forward to your contributions! 🙂



Active Participant

Hi I am Kazuhiko from Japan.

Hello Kazuhiko san, 

Welcome to the community. Which SAP module/s do you work on? Regards, Anil.

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Hi @KazuhikoTakata - welcome to Groups!

Don't miss out on the Tokyo Group - we are adding new Groups on a regular basis including location-based Groups. 

Looking forward to seeing your contributions in SAP Community!

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I am from Shanghai, China

0 Kudos

Welcome @AndreaWang ! 



My Name is Hazel, I recently joined the Communications Team as an Intern on the Global Industry and Value Advisory Team. I am Indian but based in Dubai.

Looking forward to contributing and learning!😊


Hi Everyone.

My name is Rajannya Sarkar and I am from India. I want to post some blogs on which I worked on recently.

0 Kudos

Greetings @rajannyasarkar ! Looking forward to your contributions.



I am from Hyderabad, India.
I'll be blogging regd. Stammtisch Community event in SAP Callidus-HYD location.

Welcome, @poonam_goje03 Looking forward to your contribution in the community.

Dedi Metser


Hi Everyone, 

I am from India and will be writing blogs regarding Sales and Distribution. 


Hi Everyone, 

I am from India and will be writing blogs on SAP SD.

Welcome, @ashisK Glad to hear that.

Here are a few links to get you started:

Tour the SAP Community” tutorial - https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/community-start.html

Our blogging tutorial at https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/community-blogging.html. The tutorial provides many useful tips for preparing blog posts that perform well with the SAP Community audience.

Adding a profile picture in the community:https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/community-profile.html 

Dedi Metser


Hello! I am from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi! Thiago From Brazil!

0 Kudos

Welcome @thiagomata ! 

0 Kudos

Brazil? Where in Brazil @thiagomata ? We have a dedicated group for Sao Paulo, which you might want to check out and join! Or did you already?

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I am from Pune, India


Welcome @Former Member ! In which SAP topics are you mostlly interested in?




First time to this community and learning about SAP for the first time, actually just completed my 2 month training on SAP Successfactor payroll. I don't know where this life is going to take me, but i'm excited for anything that comes my way. I live in US in place called Germantown, Maryland. What a coincidence going work on German software. As i move forward will ask for any help and support and hoping the community will provide advice and guidance. 

Great things are ahead @sapgermantown no doubt! Best of luck. 

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Hello @sapgermantown !

Great to have you and thanks a lot for sharing.

Looking forward to your contributions in the SAP Community.

Be sure to check out our tutorials and especially the one for Questions and Answers

For now I recommend you follow this tag: SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll.




Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @Renuga and welcome to SAP Community! Where are you joining us from? 😊


Hi, I am from Sofia, Bulgaria.


hi Community,

I am from Mumbai, India which is both my hometown as well as worktown. It feels great to work where you grew.
Mumbai is  where people can't have enough of the city. You instantly fall in love with the liveliness of the city .

Wishing everyone all the best in their future endeavours and hope we get to collaborate on different Activities, Builds and so on.

Lovely to have you here @AbhishekSoneji and to read your thoughtful sentiments.

Welcome to you, and everyone reading this post.

When we first launched this Welcome Corner we had members join from a couple of countries, and now we've become a really diverse group of people - interacting and discussing here together. I'm happy to say that in the past 2 weeks alone, we have members joining from all over the world - including: Argentina (Buenos Aires), Brazil (Sao Paulo), Bulgaria (Sofia), Canada (Ontario), China (Shanghai), Colombia (Cali), Dubai, Germany (Bremen | Dortmund | Heidelberg | Mannheim | Pforzheim), India (Bangalore | Hyderabad | Mumbai | Noida | Pune), Japan, Netherlands (Amsterdam), Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Serbia, South Africa (Johannesburg), Switzerland (Basel), Syria, UK (London), and USA (Arkansas | Maryland | Michigan)!!

Welcome all, and don't forget to join other Groups and look out for one at a city near you. Get involved in discussions or start up one of your own.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----


Hello hello 🙂

I am Caro and i live in Germany. I am looking forward too sharing knowledge with you and to catch answers and new ideas from you all over the world!

let´s rock this 💪

0 Kudos

@caro_adelt Welcome! In which SAP topics are you mostly interested in?


Hi everybody 👋 I am coming from Serbia 🇷🇸

Former Member
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Greetings @cojba ! Welcome!