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SAP Community - Where are you from?

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Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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@YildizKalv1 hi! I live in the US outside of Philadelphia. Welcome!

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Active Contributor

Hello @YildizKalv1 , I'm living in US as well. Where are you located ? 😄
Welcome !


Hi. Just joined from India. My company uses SAP. I want to improve myself.

@MahmoodSonmari Welcome! I live in the US outside of Philadelphia. May I ask which SAP topics you may pursue? You may want to join Asia Pacific | Location-Based Groups | SAP Community too!

There are many Interest Groups | SAP Community for you to consider joining too.

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Hello, I am living in Paris area in France. In about 3 months the Olympic games will start here...

I am working as Concur technical consultant at SAP.  

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Community Advocate

Hello @gsauter welcome and great you found your way to SAP Community. You might also want to join the Paris Group to connect with other locals in Paris. There are also oftentimes events organized, so it's a great opportunity to meet other community members in person!


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Hello from Mannheim. I'm Phuong Anh from SAP Walldorf.

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Community Advocate

Hello @AnhK and welcome! I am also working for SAP in Walldorf, but I live close to Mannheim. Nice to meet you. You might want to subscribe to the SAP Community Event calendar  - there are sometimes events in this region, like in June, there will be 3 events in a week: reCAP, UI5con and ABAP Conf. Check these out! It's a great opportunity to learn and to connect with other community members.


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Where I am from is easy. Where to go is my problem.
I was born and raised three decades in Ecuador, then moved to Dayton Ohio & Manhattan New York 5 years each, and now in Fort Lauderdale Florida for the last 25 years.
A few days ago I saw how to provide feedback in the help portal (documentation) and I recently found the feedback link at the top of the tutorials. It is an interesting trip full of choices. This is a short stop following the Tour of the SAP Community 2024. What next? Who knows! more exploration for sure.

@fernanDoylet hello, You have lived in some great spots. What I'm curious about is where you liked the best? I live outside of Philadelphia.

I'm so glad that you toured the community. You may decide to check out and join the Interest Groups | SAP Community. Enjoy!

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Near your place, I liked the Amish Museum.
During my travels, I wish to go back to Wisdom Forest in my homeland.

@fernanDoylet I grew up in Lancaster County. Beautiful countryside and the Amish live a peaceful life as farmers, craftsman and builders. I'm glad you had the chance to visit!

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Hello @ThomasTuagan and welcome to SAP Community. Did you subscribe already to the topics you are interested in? In addition, I would like to recommend the Brussels Group - it's a group for the local community around Brussels to connect. Although you might live somewhere else in Belgium, it might be an opportunity to join on-site events they are offering. Also, the s'Hertogenbosch Group might be an option. Check them out!


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I live in the south west of France. Looking forward to connect with you.

Kinds regard

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Community Advocate

Hello @Dany2 welcome to SAP Community and nice to meet you. You might also like to join the SAP Learning Groups including the Beginner Corner and get advice on which SAP Learning Journeys to take and so on. Simply click "join" or subscribe to any other topic using the three-dot-menu.


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Hello sveabecker

I'm looking for SAP Manufacturing execution community. Do you know the group I could connect? Thanks in advance and have a nice day.



Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @Dany2 there is the SAP for Industrial Manufacturing Group, which you might want to join. Furthermore, there are a lot of tags around manufacturing, which you can check via this link: https://community.sap.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/product?q=sap+manufacturing 

Please subscribe to the tags, which are most suitable. You can also search on your own for other community tags here: https://community.sap.com/t5/all-sap-managed-tags/ct-p/managed-tags

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I am from México focused in development 😃

Hi @HectorHerGar welcome! Make sure you join the Application Development group to stay up-to-date: https://community.sap.com/t5/application-development/gh-p/application-development 
Simply click "join" 🙂

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I am Rijul. From India


Hi All,

I am from Coimbatore, India.


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Hello @Rijul_Haridasan , hello @Sashi_G welcome to SAP Community.

Great you are tuning in from India. There are several location groups in the Asia Pacific Region here in SAP Community. These are city based groups dedicated to connect the local community. There are oftentimes announcements about events, so maybe you want to join one of these Indian groups.

Also the SAP Learning Groups are a great starting point!

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@Sashi_G it is so great to meet you. I live in the US outside of Philadelphia. I also want to introduce you to SAP mentor @kammaje_cis  and SAP Champions @Ruthvik and @Chandra_Bhushan who inspire me every day with their commitment to share and give back to community members!

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Hi there all! I was born and raised in Wales but have been living in Germany since 2000, half way between Heidelberg and Karlsruhe  🙂

Hi @PTownsend welcome to SAP Community! Great you have found your way to SAP Community because it's a great place to connect with people and to share content as an SAP Expert. Subscribe to the content you are interested in like tags, topics, groups or event calendars. Enjoy!

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@PTownsend its great to see you in SAP Community. I live in the US outside of Philadelphia. My home SAP office is Newtown Square. You live in a beautiful part of the world. There is so much fun to do in Germany! Best of luck in your SAP endeavors!

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Welcome everyone!
I am a SAP developer from Paris, specializing in Fiori elements V4. I also dedicate a significant amount of time to load testing and DevOps technologies.

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Community Advocate

Welcome @fabio_b - great you found your way to SAP Community 😊

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I am srinivas from INDIA

Welcome @Srinivasnun - be sure to check out our India location groups and see if there is one you would like to join!

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Welcome @camillaakkyn2 - thanks for joining SAP Community. You can learn a lot here and share your own experiences also. Some useful links for you:

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I am from Toronto, Canada.

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I am Pramod Kasarekar for Ahmedabad, India.