Welcome Corner Discussions
Join the Welcome Corner discussion, where newcomers and community veterans are encouraged to introduce themselves, learn about others, and build their networks.
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New or not to the SAP Community, share your story!

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

For some of us the SAP Community started off way back in 2003/2004 as the SAP Developer Network (SDN). Later after the Business Objects Community and others merged together it became the SAP Community Network (SCN) - then in 2016 it simply became the SAP Community.

I've personally seen a lot of changes to the environment over all these years but one thing has always remained constant - this is a place where you can come to ask questions, meet others and exchange knowledge.

Over the years we've had things like "Blog it Forward" that let people introduce themselves to each other. We've also had over the years forum threads and things like that to say hello.

We've even created some tutorials to help new comers as well as those like myself take more advantage of the community. Have you taken these 4 tutorials?

  • Tour the SAP Community, Explore the various features of SAP Community, familiarize yourself with community guidelines, discover how to get the most out of your membership, and earn the Tour the Community badge.
  • Ask and Answer Questions on SAP Community, Want to ask questions on SAP Community, but not sure how to start? This tutorial will help you get to know the Questions and Answers section, processes and guidelines, so you can more easily gain and share knowledge.
  • Writing and Publishing Blog Posts on SAP Community, By taking this tutorial, you'll discover how to prepare and manage your blog posts on SAP Community, get tips for better blogging, and learn how to interact with readers. You'll also earn the Blogging Savvy badge.
  • Update and Maintain Your SAP Profile at people.sap.com, By taking this tutorial, you'll explore, set up, and manage the sections of your SAP profile (people.sap.com). You'll also earn the Profile Savvy badge.

Would you be willing to introduce yourself to your fellow community members here?

Me? Well I started my path into the SAP way back in 2002/2003 when my company told me to learn it so I could install it when I cam back from my project in Germany. I'm sure some noticed the odd bit about that statement. Needless to say I dove in and as luck would have it, SAP had just launched their beta of a Community (SDN) so coming from a web application background I felt at home to go figure things out.

@Former Member Was actually one of the first people who helped me to figure things out, my question asking left a lot to be desired as I had no clue about terminology or anything else in the SAP world. Then it was a post by @qmacro about RSS and RFC's that really got me more comfortable and then I just went crazy sharing my experiences and learnings via the blog posts.

I started a series on BSP and "mini WAS" - 

I even presented at my first SAP TechEd event.

BoF, TechEd Munich ’04 – RSS, HTTP and BSP

So it's been a crazy start into the SAP world that resulted in me getting a job with SAP, learning that you don't just "install it" 😉 and now I have the pleasure of trying to help others day to day!

Start your own thread or reply here, what's your story? Who are you?

119 REPLIES 119


Hello SAP Community! I'm Maxine from Seoul, Korea working with LG Electronics. I joined this community yesterday and would like to get information about SAP. Looking forward to meet-up soon. 

Hello @maxinelee89 and welcome. Which SAP products or topics are you most interested in? You've reached the right place for learning, collaborating, networking and discussing!

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Hi there @akash09apr - would you like to join the discussion thread:
SAP Community - Where are you from?

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I'm Steigleder, and I've been venturing into this SAP world since the year 2000. I started my journey as an ABAP developer, after a few years becoming a functional consultant in Finance. I am currently working as a project manager. My purpose is to encourage the practice and adoption of SAP S/4HANA cloud, public edition in Brazil.

@Steigleder it is so great to hear your journey. You are in a hot spot for sure. What a great adventure you've had. I started as a customer using MM. When I was a consultant, I supported BW. Fast forward now and I work in SAP Community.

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Hello Everyone,

  This is Haripriya. This is my first time writing to SAP community or team although I have been working with SAP since yr 2006. I'm here to share my knowledge on the new modules that I have worked on in S4 HANA. Thought - it will be useful to some people and thought this is will be payback to the community. I have been using the community in my job for many years and this will be a little contribution from my side to those who seek some knowledge on what I already have gathered.  Good to connect with you. 






Hola ,

Me llamo Oscar, soy de España y en mi empresa se utiliza el sap bussines one, se hace cosas pero me gustaria profundizar en más cosas que se pueden hacer.

muchas gracias

@oscar_ips hola, I am not fluent in Spanish and want to greet you in the community. It sounds like you have great experience with SAP customers on a great product. Have you joined this Barcelona - SAP Community group? Best of luck.

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Hello, thank you for including me in the Barcelona group.
I have been using SAP Business One since 2020, previously we used another version of SAP.
I use it for manufacturing orders, delivery notes, allocation of materials and other things.
But I would like to go one step further and create some queries to get some reports, but I can't join two queries and I don't know where I could consult

My English is very fair and I have used a translator

I'm sorry


Greetings all! I'm a fresh face in the SAP community, having recently retired from the U.S. Army after 22 years of service. Transitioning into civilian life, I'm enthusiastic about embarking on a new career path within the realm of SAP. I've observed numerous colleagues make strides in their careers after engaging with SAP programs, and I'm eager to follow suit. With a background in Engineering and Military Intelligence, I recognize the significance of SAP and its contributions to the DoD enterprise. I'm keen to contribute to and be a part of this dynamic environment. 

Kind regards,
Jamel J

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi, I'm Setu Saxena. I'm a Senior Specialist in Services Architecture at EMEA Mobile and UX Consulting, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. I'm certified as an SAP Fiori Developer, Administrator, and Digital Architect. Outside of work, I'm a passionate problem-solver who loves tackling challenges and puzzles. I've been with this company for 12 years and I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a great organization.

@Setu_Saxena - it's great to have someone with your expertise here in our community! I'm part of the SAP Community team and have worked at SAP for 17 years. I also love any kind of puzzles! Looking forward to seeing further contributions from you! Don't forget to take part in discussions in our interest groups, or even start one of your own.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thanks a lot for the praise and warm welcome @Katherne_K,  I am very pleased to meet you. Looking forward to the community, knowledge sharing and networking.


Hi everyone,

My name is Jessy. I'm a 32 year old user assistance designer working on SAP Analytics Cloud. I've joined SAP ten year ago now, time flies... I joined fresh out of university as an intern.

I started my career working the documentation of the BI Suite, specifically Web Intelligence, and then moved on to SAP Analytics Cloud 5 or 6 years ago. It's definitely been an interesting and challenging journey so far.

Looking forward to contributing to this great community, share knowledge and learn more about our products portfolio.


Hello All,

I am Amrit, super excited to join community officially. I have been following SAP community since many years. I started my career as ABAP developer and then moved to SAP CRM as techno-functional role especially for Utilities Industry. Looking forward to great interactions here specifically on my topics of interest - SAP CX and Cloud-OP integrations. Thank you!

Welcome @AmritVader - great that you are already so experienced and knowledgeable on many SAP topics - you will certainly benefit from the knowledge exchange within SAP Community. Be sure to "subscribe" to the SAP Managed Tags for those areas of interest.

Have you already heard of Devtoberfest? Since you're from a development background, you might be interested to check out this contest that will start later in the year once again!

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Thank you @Katherine_K for the welcome.

Sure, I will check the topic you mentioned. Thank you once again.

@AmritVader great to meet you! I live in the US outside of Philadelphia. Your background is great with ABAP and heading into CX plus utilities. Please meet SAP mentor @TammyPowlas who has a tremendous SAP background as well as in the utilities industry. Please meet Tammy in her influencer blog too! Tammy Powlas - SAP Community 

Best of luck. See you in the community!

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thanks for the sharing!!!


Hi everyone! Super nice to meet you all and be apart of the SAP Community here. I am Montanna Owens, a working student for SAP Product Lifecycle Management. I have lived in Germany for three years now, completed my bachelors and have now joined my team as a masters student studying economics. I am originally from the United States in Ohio but I have lived all over it seems, even in Europe before moving to Germany! 

I am most excited to get set up and begin writing and posting my own blogs as well as reading those of others. 

Thanks for the warm hospitality! See you all in the community! 

Welcome @MontannaOwens - let us know when you have written your first blog post! You might also want to check out our location groups, as we have a few for Germany by our community members. Attending local events is a great way to connect with other community members!

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Welcome @Johnmilaton - which SAP topics are you most interested in?

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----



I am happy to be part of SAP community.


Sohit Reddy Kalluru

Great to have you here in SAP Community also @Sohit_Kalluru - will you write blog posts? There is plenty for you to browse through and learn - let us know any time you have questions! You might also consider to check the location groups and see if there is one you can join.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

0 Kudos

Welcome to all our newcomers! I recommend that you browse the location groups and interest groups and take part in some discussions there!

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome @Johnmilaton @Sohit_Kalluru

I hope you enjoy your journey here. Start with subscribing to content, which is of the most interest for you. Just choose "subscribe" in the three-dot-options menu:




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Hi My name is divyesh, I am happy to join SAP community, I would like to use this platform to to spread my knowledge and interest about SAP. I am also an technical content writer who have written many **REMOVED BY MODERATION** blogs and currently learning SAP. 


Hi there, 

My name is Gemma and I am delighted to join the SAP community!

I am fairly new to all things SAP but I am very excited to continue learning and increasing my SAP knowledge.

Last year, I completed my BSc (Hons) in Computing in Software Development in the fabulous east of Ireland 🇮🇪 After my graduation, I joined a great team specializing in optimizing business intelligence solutions. We assist clients in implementing efficient BW/4HANA solutions by identifying reporting inefficiencies, streamlining migration processes, and automating testing with our VAL4 tool.

Right now, I'm enjoying working on SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Datasphere but like I said I am very excited to continue learning and increasing my SAP knowledge.

Looking forward to contributing to this community!

Thank you very much or as we say here 'go raibh míle maith agat' 🙂

Welcome @Gem_Regan - great to see a fellow Irish person 🇮🇪 join our SAP Community!
I'm part of the community team and based in Galway. Sounds like you're on a good path to increase your SAP knowledge! Not sure if you're also interested to join the SAP Learning group? You could also subscribe to the SAP Managed Tags for those topics of interest that you've outlined. Good luck on your journey and let me know if you've any questions.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----


Hii, I am new to sap community, can i get insights on how to start? Thanks!

0 Kudos

Hello @mrchandra welcome! I would recommend to start with the Tour the SAP Community tutorial. With that, you learn all the features and functions in SAP Community. Also, the SAP Learning Groups might be interesting for you to join!

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Hi All,

This is Sashi from India. I've been working on SAP CRM for the past 18 years and recently have started learning S4/HANA. Hope to learn more from the community and also contribute as much as I can.


@Sashi_G your background and experience is tremendous. Adding ERP to your portfolio is fantastic. Are you taking SAP Learning Journeys and will you get certified?

If you haven't yet you may want to join SAP Learning Groups | SAP Community and you could blog about your learning experience. As an SAP pro so many will be inspired to follow in your footsteps. Be sure to join the groups you are interested in engaging. Best of luck!

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hey there,

i am new to this community 

@digirishabh it is great to meet you. May I ask where you live? I am in the US outside of Philadelphia. SAP Community has many location groups so maybe there is one near you.


Please check out Interest Groups | SAP Community and join groups that interest you. Please let me know where you hope to engage the most too. Best of luck!

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hello, I am new in this community looking forward to learn with you guys

Thanks for joining @Prakash93 - I'm sure you will learn lots! I'd like to recommend that you look for a location group near you and see if there are any events coming soon to your area! It's a great way to meet other SAP Community members.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----


Hey! I am new to community and excited to join!

0 Kudos

Thanks for Information