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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

5,279 REPLIES 5,279

Welcome @former_member152240 - looking forward to reading your blog posts, please let us know when you have written the next one! I'm sharing some links below that you might find interesting:

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Hi everyone! I'm Anastasia and I'm based in Manhattan. I work in Global Cloud Services as a cloud security engineer. 

Hey @A_Sizensky  welcome!
Join to the NYC group !
I want to organize a SAP Stammtisch and we can meet all the SAP New Yorker 😄

Welcome @A_Sizensky - great to have you in SAP Community Groups! Nice work connecting people @smarchesini !!

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I am from Turkey

Welcome @Atacagin - it's great to have you here. Which SAP topics are you most interested in?

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Hi ! This is Guillaume from France

Welcome @GuillaumeB - which part of France? We have a Paris group - you could "join" there if you wanted to get updates. You can read more about location groups here. Also optional, but you can read about how to upload a profile photo or change the avatar beside your name here. I look forward to seeing your interactions in the community!

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Hello everyone,
Hope you all doing great, I am from Bangalore, India and joined this community recently.

Hello and welcome @chandan_kumar09 - great to have you here. I wonder if you've already seen our Bengaluru Group ? Be sure to "join" there if you are interested in local updates. You might also be interested to join the SAP TechEd Group, since this event will be in Bangalore this November!

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I'm Paul based in Singapore, I'll be writing the occasional blog for Procurement Product release highlights 🙂


Hi, I am Jules from Belgium. Looking forward to join the community!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello Jules @decocju where exactly to you live in Belgium? We have a Brussels Group and it's a great chance to connect with other locals. There is also an upcoming event, SAP Inside Track, in Brussels in September. Check it out here: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/sap-insidetrack/sap-inside-track-belgium-2023/ev-p/255411 

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Hi everyone, 

I am a new intern at SAP and I am based in London, England. 

That's great! Glad you found the way to SAP Community. You might also want to check out our Career Corner😉

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From Hyderabad

Hello @manoharramk welcome! As you are from Hyderabad, you might want to check out this Hyderabad group. There is an active local community and I think it's worth connecting! Enjoy!

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Hey everyone,
I'm Ritty from Munich.  

Hello @rittyjoseph welcome! I hope you have already seen the Munich Group - if not, check it out now 🙂

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Greetings from Austria.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

This is Éamon from Galway in Ireland. 

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

Hey @I322462 , Eamon, welcome! Great to see you coming from Galway. Let me connect you with my colleague @Katherine_K who is managing the Galway Group. Great opportunity to connect with other locals, who may also be customers, partner etc., so I really recommend to join it!

I have also contacted you via direct messaging on a different topic so please check your messages 😊

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Hi, I'm Chloe, currently working from the NY Hudson Yards office!



I am Jayesh from India, here to write my experience on BTP integration


Hi my name is Manohar E. I am from INDIA.


Hello community,
Greetings from Bangalore, India.

Hello back @chandan_kumar09 !! Have you already clicked on "Join" in the Bengaluru Group? That way you will receive notifications of updates and events. You might also be interested to join the SAP TechEd Group, seeing as the on-site event will be hosted there this November.

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This is Vishal here from India. I shall be writing blogs on SAP Commerce Cloud Capabilities.

Welcome Vishal @osiris_360 - which part of India? We might have a location group already available for your city. Looking forward to reading your blog posts!

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Hi, I am from Chennai. I have come to this community to learn and explore more on SAP analytics.

Nice to meet you @dharanidharan11 !! If you are from Chennai then you might want to click on "Join" in the Chennai Group and get local information and meet your peers there. @Prasath and @SBBarath are posting content and events there.

The SAP TechEd Group might also interest you, seeing as the on-site event will be hosted in your country this year.

Check out our Help and FAQs at any time if you need assistance on our platform - including how to upload a profile photo or change the avatar beside your name (optional).

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Hi, It's nice being here with talented experts . I'm from Istanbul, Turkey.

Great to have you here too @nilgunsen - and looking forward to seeing further interaction from you!

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Hi, I'm Emmanuel Ohaba from Nigeria.

Welcome @emmanuelohaba - which SAP topics are you interested in?
Let us know any time you have questions!

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Hi I am Madjid from Iran .


Hello everyone!

I am Vineetha from India. I am very glad to part of SAP Community.


Welcome @Randell-Mendes - which SAP topics are you interested in?
We have location groups as well. So far, we have one for Dallas @Former Member is adding content and events there. You can read more about location groups. If you like you can find out how to upload a profile photo or change the avatar beside your name (optional).

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