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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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Hello Prajwal @prajwalgangolli welcome and nice to meet you. If you want to connect with other local peers, please visit the Hamburg Group which is managed by @saralangner and SAP Mentor @peter_langner. They are oftentime organizing events on-site. Also, the Kiel Group might be interesting, too. This is managed by @markteichmann 

It's such a great chance to meet other community members and connect on business topics.


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Hi Svea @sveabecker, thanks for recommending the groups. I will visit them and try to explore 🙂 

Hey @prajwalgangolli nice to have you here! We're looking forward to your input and getting to know you in person at the next event!

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sounds great! 👍

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi, joining the community from Gurgaon India.


Hello @aarthiiyer welcome to SAP Community. 

Did you notice already that there are some location groups in the Asia Pacific Region including Gurgaon? Check them out and connect with other local peers!

Also, you might want to learn how to upload a profile photo to change the avatar beside your name (optional but welcomed).

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


My name is Fabian and I am from Austria. I registered for writing a blog for the SAP Public Sector team.



Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @fabian13 where do you live in Austria? There is a dedicated group for the people in Wien. It's a local group to connect with other local peers. Check it out!

Also, you might want to learn how to upload a profile photo to change the avatar beside your name (optional but welcomed).

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Hi! I'm Brissia from La Paz, Bolivia 🇧🇴

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @Brissia and welcome to SAP Community. Great you joined it! There are so many interesting things going on here, for instance the interest groups, the location groups  and in the what's new area, you'll find all the latest updates. Maybe you start with that. 🙂


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello everyone! I'm from Berlin, Germany.

Welcome @RashidAR - I bet it's a nice city to live in! Which topics are you most interested/expert in?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thank you @Katherine_K ! My focus is mainly on SAP Analytics Cloud, and SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics.

It's great to have your experience here in the community!
Is there a Christmas market in Berlin? I'm based in Galway, Ireland - there is a market here but nothing like the German ones! Some community groups are meeting up in Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Frankfurt for a get-together. I haven't heard of one in Berlin as of yet though.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thank you very much. There are quite a few Christmas markets in Berlin yes, but I haven't worked up the strength to go out in what is an uncharacterestic -4 degrees in December yet. Maybe soon!

True!! You'd need a heated jacket! Well good luck if you venture outside. It's frosty here today with all the cars frosted over - very very cold. We have a saying in Ireland that we don't mind going outside "as long as it's dry". 😊

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Hi , I'm Rukhiayya Kowsar. S from India . Focused in SAP Integration Suite and will be writing blogs on the same.

Great to have you here @Rukhaiyya - we have lots of members joining from India! Please take a look at our India location groups, if you haven't done so already, there may be one you'd like to join. Our location groups are great for networking and connecting locally. Many organize local events in addition.

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Thanks  Katherine,

I will join the suggested groups. 

I'm having an access issue to write a blog inspite of completing the required tutorial and earning badges. Could you please help me with the right email id to check on this , the given email id is no longer valid community@sap.com.


Thanks in advance 


Hi @Rukhaiyya - sorry to hear that - did you write the blog post in SAP Community or in one of the groups? Either way it will need to be approved first. Yes, you can still reach out to community@sap.com this is the correct email address for SAP Community.

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I am Adilson Benevides and live in São José dos Campos, Brazil. 

You're welcome here @ADILSONWAYNE8 - let us know which topics you're most interested in in SAP Community!

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I am Huss and I live in Toronto, Canada. Nice meeting you all! 


Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome to SAP Community @Huss . Great you joined it! There are so many interesting things going on here, for instance the interest groups, the location groups  and in the what's new area, you'll find all the latest updates. Maybe you start with that. 😉 

Also, you might want to learn how to upload a profile photo to change the avatar beside your name (optional but welcomed).

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I am from china

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @WEIWEI nice to meet you. Where from China are you? There is a location group for Shanghai and it's even in Chinese language. You might want to check it out! Don't forget to join the group and set your notification settings, so that you'll get notified once new content is published in the group! 


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Hi👏, my name is Flora and I'm from Austria😊

0 Kudos

Hello Flora @FloraLikosar welcome! Do you live in or nearby Vienna? I am asking because there is a Wien Group to connect the local community. Even if you don't live there, you might want to join it. They are often organizing events and it's a great opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing.

Also, you might want to learn how to upload a profile photo to change the avatar beside your name (optional but welcomed).


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Hi everyone!

Originally from France, now located in Louisville, KY. I'm a native French speaker and fluent in English 🙂

I have a lot of interest in the technical/back end of SAP SF LMS and looking forward to earning a certification next year!



Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

Hello @Celia28 , nice to meet you and great hearing about your language and technical skills. I wish you much success with your certification next year. In the meanwhile, you might want to check the SAP Learning Groups. Join the group to get notified, once there is updated content in the group.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello and servus from Austria 👋

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
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Servus 😄 and welcome to SAP Community! @a_b_merz 

Do you live in or nearby Vienna by any chance? I am asking because there is a Wien Group to connect the local community. Even if you don't live there, you might want to join it. They are often organizing events and it's a great opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thanks for the hint, @sveabecker! I am indeed based in Vienna and just joined the local group.


Hi all, I am from Lisbon, Portugal

Hi @Wandersonwos welcome to SAP Community to sunny Portugal. It's a beautiful country and also, Lisbon is a great city. It's been too long that I have been there 😅

What is you expertise or interest? Let me share some groups with you, which might be interesting to start with in SAP Community:



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Thanks for the warm welcome and the group links. I will check them out.



I am from New York.

0 Kudos

Hello @alexkowalczuk welcome to SAP Community! New York is great 😃 (you might have heard this multiple times 😉)
But I would like to point to the New York Group, a location group with its purpose to connect local peers. Check it out and don't forget to "join" the group! 

Also, you might want to learn how to upload a profile photo to change the avatar beside your name (optional but welcomed).

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Hello @alexkowalczuk I am from New York as well and I'm searching for SAP folks to organize a Stammtisch.
Come to our group @sveabecker shared !
And nice to meet you 😁


Hello All,

I am from Canada.

Vishalakshmi Namuduri